you're not my krishna!!🤨 then who are you? 🧐

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Yooo guys... My exams are postponed due to nivar cyclone... So we can update frequently. You all know that i don't update in a sequence so Ill update when I have time.
Strawberries... Support mi na. Did You guys know, I was sleepless due to exams, so I wana sleep tight, what I'm saying is I will again update on Sunday. 😁
Thank you

Here ya goo

Hello , good morning, this is yuktha, presenting you the beautiful garden in Royal Palace.

Don't afraid, im still avyuktha, I'm just filming a video, I can't always be laying on the bed right. Actually today I woke up little early. So im just clicking some pics and making some videos as my memories.

"Grace, come here, lets take a selfie" I called him. he came to mi very happily We take several selfies.

" Grace, I don't have wifi Or signals here, if I have I will post our pics on Instagram " I said to him , somewhat dejected.

" This is not your timeline " He said

" Yaaa....i know I know...I don't have my laptop also" I said pouted

" Oohh.. Why you want your laptop suddenly? Anything important? " He asked mi curiously

" Why you are asking such question like my laptop is with you now? " I said hopelessly

" Not with mi, but with you only. " He said while showing his canon teeth. A mischievous smile.

" With mi? " I'm confused

"Check your bag once, you will find it" He pointed his face to my bag. So did i. I opened it. Surprisingly my laptop is there. Waaaaahhhh.

" Wooooooaahhhhh!.. It's for real! " I'm really shocking happy.

A girl came in and announced that maharaj balram is coming, so that I shove my laptop into bag and turn around to see balaram ji.

" Pranam maharaj balaram " I bowed to him

" Lift your head up sakhi" He said

" Ha, come, have a seat" I show the way .
Just it's way of respecting elders.

"Here" He gave mi a package

I tilt my to side and give him a 'what is that' look. He gestures mi to take a look , so did I.

" Woaw.. Sugar dolls" I love food.
"Thank you" He smiles sweetly.

We talked a lot. I asked him to play with mi. He agreed with that.
We played vaikuntapali(ludo) game.

" Majaraja... See, I will win definitely " I said while throwing dice.

" Let's see who will win" He challenge mi.
I'm very anxiously waiting for end results,

At last...
" That's cheating " I said

" Who is cheating? " He asked

"You only " I said on him

"Sakhi... You did that, you roll 3 as 2 and blaming mi "he gave mi a 'naughty girl' look

"Aahh.. That... By mistake my fingers touched it. "I tried to cover

Though I tried to cheat, balaram ji won. We laughed whole heartedly. Then he said good bye to mi and left.

After that I too left my room and went to garden for fresh air. There I saw garuda ji

" Hai Mr. Eagle" I greet him.

"Oh, You are here" I said

"Actually, I want to learn fighting, will you help mi? " I asked him

Mysterical Travel✨𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓷𝓰𝓮𝓭 𝓣𝓲𝓶𝓮𝓵𝓲𝓷𝓮Where stories live. Discover now