vinatha sutha- The king of birds.

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We are surrounded by trees and plants. We lost our path in woods, we roam at least for an hour. We still didn't find the path to dwaraka. The kid in my hands still hung to mi like monkey baby stick to mama monkey. Now his body temperature is normal. Sky is getting dark due to clouds, it about to rain.

" Grace, it's about to rain soon, see those dark clouds. We need to find some Shelter " I said to him and he nodded

We find a wide branched tree, thought to shelter under the tree... I have an idea of build a shelter. I put that kid on grace back, he immediately start crying.

" Oh.. No no... Kiddo... Don't cry. Grace is very good dog. " While saying I let Kiddo touch grace head.

He giggle and I put him on grace back. "Grace, be careful okay"
Then I go and collect few sticks and creepers. Though I don't have experience, I saw so many times in discovery Channel that how to survive in forests.

Then I dig 4 small holes and place 4 sticks, I place another few sticks on top of them and tie with creepers, and add some leave and bushes to it on top. I successfully made shelter. It will easily accommodate 2 persons. Mi and my doggy easily fit in it.

As I expected, soon rain fall down.  As rain getting heavier, water is leaking throw creeks. My shelter, my hard work miserably fall aside and I drenched in rain I cover kid in my coat and hug him tightly. After some time rain stopped, I sighed in relif.

" Thank god, I didn't think rain will stop soon" I said

This kiddo..... He is crying now, I don't know how to console him. I'm also about to cry with him. He showed mi his tummy. Oh poor boy " Are you hungry? " I asked him ,he nod. I gave him a chocolate. But he didn't stop crying. Tears are flowing down his cheeks. Seeing him cry, a sting of pain struck in my heart.

" Kiddo.. Stop crying, please " I try to sooth him " I will tell you a story " Boy curiously see mi.

" Baby boy...  This is a story about king of birds.
Once up on a time there are two sister named kadru and vinatha.The race of snakes trace their origins to Kadru, the wife of rishi Kashyapa. Kadru bore a thousand snakes as her sons through the grace of the muni. Kadru also had a sister by the name Vinata, who was also married to Kashyapa. Vinata had a son by the name Aruna, who ended up becoming the Sun’s charioteer.

One day, the sisters beheld the celestial white horse Ucchaishrava* flying in the sky. They entered into a wager about the colour of the horse’s tail. Vinata claimed that it would be white, while Kadru bet that the white horse had a black tail. They agreed that the loser of the wager would spend her life in servitude to the other sibling. Deciding to ascertain the colour of the tail the next day, the sisters returned home.

At home, Kadru requested her sons (snakes) to seek the horse overnight and attach themselves to the tail so that it would appear black during inspection. The snakes refused. Kadru cursed them and declared that they would be burnt in the fire of the yagna conducted by King Janamejaya. Terrified by this curse, the snakes decided to appease her and attached themselves to Ucchaishravas’ tail.

The next day the sisters went to inspect horse. Observing a black tail, Vinata accepted defeat and started serving Kadru.

After a while, Vinata bore a winged son. He was none other than the King of birds, Garuda. The snakes would task Garuda with chores, and Vinata would ask her son to duly oblige. Garuda wondered why he had to bide by the orders of the snakes. He soon learnt that his mother was spending her life in servitude due to a lost wager.

Wanting to set her free, Garuda went to the snakes and put forth his request. The snakes agreed to free his mother, provided Garuda fetched them a pot of divine nectar (Amrita) in return.

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