accusing for theft ¹

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Yuktha dont know where she was going, she crying and eyes were swollen. Grace saw her running and decided to follow her. He tried to mind link her. But yuktha's Brain is a mess of thoughts. Grace is barking loud and running after her where ever the place is and what ever the way is..
Yuktha is running front and grace is barking, running after her

Yuktha don't know why dhara behave like that, she just wants to talk with dhara. She felt she was abandoned, felt there is no place for her to go, she wants go to her Lord Krishna and hug him tightly and wants to cry her heart out.

Well, she don't go to Krishna because he will ask reason why she is crying, if she tell the reason what if dhara got punished of her. No, she can't do that.

So, she went to training ground, sun is setting down into the mountains, light is slowly failing. Grace stopped and watch👀 her running around the ground. Garuda ji also there, he just now decided to leave the ground but he saw some one is still running in the ground so he came to see who is that. Yuktha.

Grace is also out of breath, garuda ji stands with grace and watching her running and running and running..

She is running for 2 hours, still she is..
Finally, darkness covers the sky, stars and moon are decorations of the night sky just like white sprinkles on the black cake😋. Oh sorry we talking about yuktha right, I really pity her.

Still running? Yeah.. *worries

Still running.....? ... Yeaaaaaa! *lazily

Time skips

Still running?.. No.. * excited
Wait.. She is now walking in the ground, legs are not supporting to take a single step but she is dragging them to do so..
Her total energy was drained..

Her eyes were red, nerves are visible , tear stained cheeks and dusted dress. She really looks like begger. Even beggers also will pity her. Grace's heart bleed when he saw her fell on the hard ground. Guruda ji immediately went to her and pick her up, then took her to the resting place in training section.

Yuktha weakly opened her eyes, vision was blurry, she tried to see clearly, she saw their faces in zoomed and close angle, she was flinched and move her hands in any angle to protect her self.

Garuda ji can't help but to sigh a breath.
" Let's go home" He said. She tried to say something but she don't have energy to that.
The whole journey was in silence. Neither yuktha nor garuda ji, not even grace too didn't utter a word.

On the other side, dhara's position was no less than yuktha, she tried to burn her hand. By gods grace, tara saw her in time so she drag her out side and scold her, dhara too cried a lot. Tara scolded her, asked her why she did that. Tara was very angry on her. Tara went to find yuktha but she didn't see where she went. All she have to do is to Wait.

Garuda ji was stoped by yuktha when he said he would walk to her room
" Thank you, you can go and take rest now. I'll go by myself. "She said very weakly and bowed to him.

With out waiting for his reply she left. Grace saw both yuktha and garuda ji, bowed to him and went to yuktha.

Yuktha didn't go to room she went to garden and slept on rock bench. She shooed grace to go their room coz she wants to be alone for some time

Time skips..

In the morning..

Some one wakes her up, " Devi, you are called to go sudharma sabha" A girl said

Yuktha sight was still blur, those words still didn't procees in her mind. So the girl has to again repeated her words politely. Yuktha follow her on the way she asks like this

Mysterical Travel✨𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓷𝓰𝓮𝓭 𝓣𝓲𝓶𝓮𝓵𝓲𝓷𝓮Where stories live. Discover now