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"At last...it's the last day of shooting.", Mingi said, sleepy in the dining room.

"Why are you still sleepy? Did you sleep late?", Seonghwa asked as he passed the egg rolls.

"He was literally playing almost the whole night.", Yunho said as he sighed and shook his head.

"It was addicting ok?", Mingi whined.

     They heard footsteps approach and saw Jongho in an apple hairstyle, with eyes half closed. Yeosang was holding his shoulders while guiding him to the table.

 Yeosang was holding his shoulders while guiding him to the table

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*i had to add it 🥺 izz cute ya know*

"Good morning to you two.", the members greeted them with a cheeky smile. Yeosang smiled back and sat down beside Jongho.

"So...how was your sleep?", Yunho asked, a big smile plastered on his face.

"It was good. Nothing special. Why?", Yeosang asked as he munched on a cream bread.

"Is it official now?", Seonghwa whispered since staffs were also awake already. Yeosang shyly nodded.

"Oh yes we are!", Jongho said, grabbing Yeosang's hand and intertwining their fingers. The members cheered and clapped.

"Yah! They might see us!", Yeosang softly ht Jongho's arm. Just then, the producer came in with a big smile.

"Good morning you guys! Guess what?", he cheerfully said.

"Good morning pd-nim!", they all stood up  and greeted. The producer gestured them to sit back down.

"Today! We will be shooting in the basement swimming pool!", he said and clapped. The other members were happy that they shouted and cheered.

"Omo! We're gonna get to use the pool at last!", San exclaimed.

"I'm sure your stylist brought the swimsuits that you will wear later on. For now, finish your breakfast and freshen up.", he instructed and the members continued to eat, soon it was time for them to have their make ups done.

*imagine them in tshirts and trunks...I don't want y'all to mistake them shirtless 🙃*

*cameras are already rolling here*

"Wahhh, the pool is so big!", Wooyoung happily shouted and clapped.

"Today's mission is the last for you to complete the map to find the letter in a bottle.", the producer said.

     They started to do their mission and soon the shooting for the first part was done. The members were given time to play around the pool while the staffs were moving the cameras and equipments.

"The water is so warm.", Seonghwa said as he paddled in the water like a puppy.

"I got water in my nose during the mission.", Jongho said and the members laughed.

"Water was literally thrown on Jongho the most!", Wooyoung teased.

"I was the one who mostly answered the questions! I got more than half wrong and they threw the water upwards.", Jongho sulked, he swam to Yeosang and Yeosang knew that Jongho wanted a hug.

"It's fineeee, you sacrificed yourself for us! But still the questions were so easy, its weird you had wrong answers!", Yeosang teased the youngest. Jongho rolled his eyes.

"Let's play a game!", Hongjoong suggested. The members all happily agreed.

"Chicken fight or marco polo?", Mingi asked.

"Marco polo!", more than half of the members said. They started the game by playing rock-paper-scissors to pick 2 taggers.

"No going out of the water! You can sit on the side but your feet shouldn't get out!", Hongjoong reminded them.

"Wooyoung! Mingi! Fighting!", the two taggers shouted in unison. They put on the blindfold that the staffs left.

"Marco!", Wooyoung shouted.

"Polo!", the other's shouted. They literally played for a long time and soon they decided to have their last game.

"Last game! Seonghwa and Yunho are the taggers!", Mingi shouted.

     Seonghwa and Yunho counted until 15 and soon the last round started. The other members were trying not to laugh when one was trying to slowly walk away from the taggers. The ripple of the water really made it noticeable where the members were moving.

"Yah! Yah! Why are you grabbing me there!", Yeosang shouted as Yunho accidentally touched his part.

"Oh! I caught Yeosang!", Yunho shouted.

"Don't come close...don't come close.", Hongjoong murmured as Seonghwa got close.

"I hear someone!", Seonghwa said as he slowly went near the edge that Hongjoong is cornered in.

     Seonghwa's hand trailed in the water and he felt someone. He grabbed that person by the waist. Hongjoong got shocked from the action so he tapped Seonghwa while yelling.

"Let go of me! Yah!!", he shouted and Seonghwa laughed.

"Kim Hongjoong! I got you!", Seonghwa announced. He let go of Hongjoong, making the other splash water on his face.

"It almost went in my nose you idiot!", Seonghwa chuckled and tried to catch the other members.

- after the game -

"Wahhh, Yunho and Seonghwa are the nastiest players. I can still feel their hands on my body.", Yeosang complained. The other's laughed.

"I was too scared to touch anything. My hands are not virgins anymore.", Yunho whined.

"I feel like a child again, I miss those carefree times.", Jongho said as he dried his hair with a towel.

"I wanna play in the beach but it's too cold.", San said and pouted.

"I wish we can go back in summer so we can play there.", Mingi said. There was a voice from the door calling out to them.

"Boys! Go and take a shower in the bathroom there! The stylist will bring down your outfits here then come up for your make up.", their manager said.

"Yes!~", they replied. The members looked at each other and tried to race first to the bathroom. Good thing there were 2 showers, Yeosang and Hongjoong were the first inside.

"Just hurry up!!! The chlorine stings my nose.", Seonghwa said, upset.

- after shower -

"There you go! Handsome as always!", the stylist said as she finished putting on make up for Wooyoung. Wooyoung smiled and stood up walking to the members who were done.

"I can't believe it's the last day of shooting.", Yunho said and pouted.

"It feels like we just started yesterday.", Hongjoong joined in.

"Hello boys! Once everyone is ready, please wait out by the fence on the beach until a staff tells you to come out.", the producer said. The members nodded.

"Are we going to film at the beach? It's almost sunset.", San checked his phone.

"I guess, the last episode has to be special you know.", Jongho answered. Just then Mingi and Seonghwa who had just finished their make up, joined the members.

"What's up?", Mingi asked.

"We're gonna film at the beach.", Hongjoong answered.

"I'm gonna miss this house.", Yeosang said as he glanced around the big place.

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