♫ 38 ♫

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"ATINY, it's our last day with our roommate.", Seonghwa said as he pouted at the camera.

"I can't believe I'm roommates with Wooyoung.", Yeosang said and acted like he disliked it.

"Don't you know, last night, I woke up to Yeosang sleeping in a weird way.", Seonghwa said and laughed. Yeosang ran to Seonghwa and covered the older's mouth.

"ATINY, you did not hear anything.", Yeosang said and went to tickle Seonghwa. Seonghwa tried to run away but Yeosang's grip was too powerful.

"Okay! I won't tell them anything. Please let me go.", Seonghwa pleaded, trying to catch his breath. Yeosang let go of him and gave an innocent smile and wave to the camera.

"We should say goodnight to ATINY now! It's been a long day and we really had lots of fun.", Seonghwa said and gave a soft smile.

"Yeah! We had lots of fun, but my energy is so drained.", said Yeosang as he sat on the bed with a pillow.

"We'll see you again ATINY!", they both said and Seonghwa shut off the camera.


"Yahh!! I'm so tired.", Hongjoong complained as he plopped on the bed.

"Hyung! Earlier, you were the most terrible out of all of us.", Wooyoung teased. Hongjoong shot up and throwed a pillow he was holding, towards Woo.

"Yah! I didn't know how to play the game that's why I was so slow.", Hongjoong said and scoffed.

"Guys, don't you know, Hongjoong was literally the worst. He was suppose to throw the ball far, but it landed so close to us.", Wooyoung said as he showed what Hongjoong did.

"Stop! They might make a meme about it.", Hongjoong waved his arms at the camera to block Wooyoung, who was already choking on air.

"Okay..I can breathe now.', said Woo as he took a deep breath after laughing for about a minute. Hongjoong gave an intense look at Wooyoung and the other cleared his throat.

"It's already time to sleep ATINY, for those who have school and work, don't sleep too late.", Hongjoong said and made a peace-sign aegyo. Wooyoung gave a disgusted look and was scared when Hongjoong gave him a glare.

"Hehe, ATINY, stay safe and goodnight.", Wooyoung said and made an aegyo before turning off the camera.


"Oh! The camera is still on?", said Jongho as he fixed his hair. Yunho looked up from his phone.

"Let's keep it on for awhile first.", he said and Jongho nodded, sitting at his side of the bed.

"Let's play a game!", Jongho suggested. Yunho looked at him with big eyes and a smile.

"I was just thinking the same thing.", Yunho said and laughed. They couldn't say the name of the game and soon they started playing.

- after how many minutes -

"Yah! Choi Jongho! Why couldn't you kill the one behind me?", asled Yunho as he complained with a puppy like face and dropped his phone on the sheets. Jongho made an embarrassed giggle.

"I was searching for equipments.", he said shyly and scratched his head.

"One more game?", asked Yunho with his palm facing towards Jongho. The maknae high-fived his hand.

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