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It has been a month since Wooyoung and San made their relationship public. To be precise, nothing has happened yet. Everything was going steady and everyone supported them, even their friends and other artists who knew about their relationship.

"This is the schedule for the whole month.", said Manager Kim. The boys were sitting in the meeting room, a clipboard containing the month's schedule.

"We have a reality show?", asked Mingi, he was excited since they would have their own show. Manager Kim nodded.

"Yes! And we will start shooting on October 1 until October 15. They will upload the episodes on October 12, 15, 19, 22, 26, 29, November 2 and 5.", he said. They all nodded.

"It's cute how they made the name ATEEZMANJI: THE LONG JOURNEY", said Seonghwa as he giggled. The others laughed.

"What kind of reality show will this be?", asked San.

"Well, that, I can't tell. All I can say is that we will be filming you while you do the missions.", replied the manager.

"There's really no script? Like we would have real reactions?", asked Jongho with big eyes. The manager nodded.

"I'm really excited.", said Wooyoung, clapping his hands.

"Anyways, you still have a week before the shooting starts.", said the manager. The members all nodded.

"So does that mean, when we finish with shooting, we will start with preparations for the 2nd anniversary?", asked Hongjoong.

"You will have a rest day on 16 then we will have a week of preparation for the anniversary concert.", the manager explained. They all nodded.

"I know it's suppose to be your break, but the company wanted you to have a project for your fans and since its your anniversary.", he continued.

"It's fine, we are doing this for ATINY and also for ourselves.", said Yeosang.

"Well are there still some questions?", Manager Kim asked. They looked at each other and shook their heads. Once they finished their meeting, they all went back to the dorm.

*if you want to know how their dorm looks like

*if you want to know how their dorm looks like

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*Jongho and Yeosang's room is by the living room, the other three ships have rooms in the hallway

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*Jongho and Yeosang's room is by the living room, the other three ships have rooms in the hallway

"I can't believe we have our own show! It's just been two years.", Yunho said as he plopped down the couch.

"At least our hardwork pays off!", said Yeosang, taking his phone out.

"Are we suppose to pack our clothes or the stylists would handle it?", asked Seonghwa, turning on the tv.

"I think we just have to pack some casual clothes and like jackets.", said Hongjoong.

"Are we going to cook for dinner or should I just order?", asked Wooyoung as he glanced at the members.

"We should just order. I'm craving some jajangmyeon and dumplings.", said Jongho.

- after 1 hour and 30 minutes -

"The food is here~", San shouted from the door.  They all put down what they were doing and sat on the dining table.

"I think we should all probably hit the gym during the week, I look bloated.", said Yeosang as he tapped his stomach. The others laughed.

"We all gained weight after a month. We really should.", said Yunho.

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