♫ 22 ♫

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"Hello Atiny! Did you have fun yesterday?", asked San, waving at the recording phone. Seonghwa took out his phone and opened the app to read comments.

"Please rest well! You had a cool comeback stage yesterday.", said San, reading a comment. Seonghwa and San nodded.

"Yes we will! We were just bored at the dorm so we wanted to talk to Atinys for awhile.", said Seonghwa as he smiled at the camera.

"WooSan's video got me crying of cutness.", Seonghwa read as he burst out laughing. San gave a thumbs up.

"That was really normal with us, Atinys!", said San, as he gave a full smile. Seonghwa playfully hit him.

"Our fans might think that you and Woo flirt everyday at home. Tsk.", teased Seonghwa. San pouted.

"But we doooo.", San said in pout, comments started to flood in when San said that. He went closer to the camera and read a comment.

"Seonghwa and Hongjoong look really close nowadays, did something happen?", San read and looked at Hwa.

"I know right? It's like Hwa and Joong hyung had something.", said San, teasing the older.

"Yah! Shut your mouth, Sannie. Atiny do you want to know why?", asked Seonghwa in a mocking tone, pointing at the camera.

"Just say it.", San said and sat back down. Seonghwa glared at him.

"Ok, Ok, Hongjoong said that he likes me..I mean like I'm his favorite member, so I wanted to get closer to him since we were awkward before.", said Seonghwa as he smiled.

- after a few more chats -

     The door to the room where San and Seonghwa was opened and they all looked at what it was. Seonghwa had a full smile on his face once he saw whose face it was.

"Atiny! Guess who is here.", said San as he mocked at the camera. Comments of the names of members flood the comment section. Hongjoong walked behind them and waved.

"Hello Atinys!", greeted Hongjoong as he did a small wave. He put down the plastic of food that he bought from the restaurant he passed by while walking to the company.

"Oppa, isn't it warm inside the building? Why are you wearing a turtle neck?", read Seonghwa as he sneered, glancing at Hongjoong.

"A-ah, I just feel very cold right now.", Hongjoong stuttered and pulled up the cloth to hide his neck. Seonghwa smiled to himself and San was laughing.

"Yah! I thought you were not awkward anymore?", asked San, pointing at the two. Hongjoong wrapped his arm around Seonghwa's shoulder and posed.

"See? We're very close

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"See? We're very close.", Hongjoong, laughed as he took a chair and sat on it. San and Seonghwa opened the food that was brought by Hongjoong and they all started to eat while doing the Vlive.

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