What happens to ATEEZ once the camera shuts off, bid their fans goodbye, and get back to the dorm? What is really the life of ATEEZ?
Please remember that this is only a fanfic, not related to reality except for some events.
"Good morning, strawberry.", said Seonghwa in his morning voice. Hongjoong whimpered and opened his eyes. There laid a Seonghwa who just showered, smiling.
"Good morning.", said Hongjoong as he yawned. He sat up and rubbed his eyes.
"Go take a shower while I make breakfast.", said Seonghwa with a cheeky smile. Hongjoong knew something was up, so he awkwardly went to the bathroom. After a few seconds...
"YAH! PARK SEONGHWA WHAT DID YOU DO?", shouted Hongjoong from the bathroom. Seonghwa bursted out laughing and went out of their room.
"Such a cutie.", murmured Seonghwa. He started making breakfast for everyone. After a few minutes, Yeosang and Jongho stepped out of their room, smiling.
"Good morning hyung!", said Jongho, hopping around and sitting down. Seonghwa gave them his 'judging' face.
"Did something happen?", asked Seonghwa. They both shook their heads.
"Just a normal night.", said Yeosang, sitting beside Jongho. Just then, Yunho and Mingi walked out of their room.
"Fix your bed hair Yunho.", said Yeosang, laughing. Yunho fixed his hair but it still went up.
"Good morning to you too.", said Mingi with his gummy smile. Yunho sat down and Mingi sat beside him. Yunho rested his head on Mingi's shoulder.
"Aigoo! So early in the morning and y'all be flirting.", said Jongho pretending to barf. After a few minutes Wooyoung in a turtle neck, limping, came out of the room followed by San.
"Jung Wooyoung. Are you ok?", asked Seonghwa. Wooyoung shook his head.
"My butt hurts so much.", said Wooyoung and slowly sat down.
"Wh-?", Yunho got cut off when San covered Wooyoung's mouth.
"He fell off from the bed this morning.", said San, laughing awkwardly.
"And the tu-", Seonghwa got cut of again as Wooyoung slapped San's hand away.
"It just feels really cold in here.", said Wooyoung, glaring at San.
- earlier -
Wooyoung woke up with a pain in his torso going down. 'Why the fuck does my butt hurt?' When he moved he felt someone behind him. He turned around and there was shirtless San. He sat up straight away and didn't notice that he was at the edge so he fell.
"Wooyoung...why are you so loud early in the morning?", asked San, whining while rubbing his eyes. Wooyoung's eyes widened.
"Y-yah! W-what did we do last night? Why are you shirtless? Why am I just wearing a shirt and boxers?", he asked San with a high-pitched voice. San whined.
"Don't ask me questions so early!", said San and sat up. He looked towards Wooyoung.
"You really don't remember?", asked San with a cheeky smile. Just then Wooyoung had flashbacks of the night before. He ran to the mirror and checked.
"CHOI SAN! WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO TO ME?", shouted Wooyoung.
- present -
San and Wooyoung continued to bicker and Hongjoong stepped out of the room also with a turtle neck. Everyone went quiet and stared at Hongjoong. Seonghwa was smiling to himself.
"Um..good morning?", asked Hongjoong. He walked towards the empty chair and sat down.
"Ok...so you're wearing a turtle neck because its cold?", asked Mingi, with the 'dont lie to me' face. Hongjoong slowly nodded.
"You all do know how I can't handle the cold..hehe.", he said and glared at Seonghwa. Seonghwa finished preparing breakfast and put it down.
"Hangover soup for those who drank last night.", said Seonghwa and scooted near Hongjoong. The other looked at him and Seonghwa gave a smile.
"Ok...something is really weird here.", Yeosang said and everyone tensed up.
"You know what..let's just eat. I'm hungry.", said San and started eating.
After eating breakfast, the '99 liners and Jongho were mostly playing, scrolling on their phones or doing some random stuff. Seonghwa was cleaning the dorm, while Hongjoong was watching TV. Seonghwa noticed something was off. He glanced at the people in the living room and continued to do his thing. 'Wait a damn minute.'
"Um..are we on buddy system in the dorm?", asked Seonghwa as he looked at the people seated.
Jongho and Yeosang were playing with their phone, Jongho leaning on Yeosang's shoulder.
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Yunho and Mingi were playing games on the TV with matching shirts.
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Wooyoung and San holding hands and and San wrapping his arms around Wooyoung while watching the others play.
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"Huh? Wait a minute.", said Yunho as he stopped the game.
"Yah! Why did you stop it?", asked Mingi, just then he looked around and noticed the tension.
"Something did happen last night.", said Seonghwa as he sneered.