010.act three

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it felt like heaven send you to me

A YEAR LATER, everything was completely different— Vinnie and Belle started talking but stopped texting each other since May, Hudson and Skylar are still in a strong relationship and stay with Aaron in the apartment, Renee is continuing her career...

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A YEAR LATER, everything was completely different— Vinnie and Belle started talking but stopped texting each other since May, Hudson and Skylar are still in a strong relationship and stay with Aaron in the apartment, Renee is continuing her career as a fashion designer in New York while Hazel and Johnny are still in Canada, they sold the old house and moved to a better place, the group was aware of the situation and everyone was supportive. Johnny released an album and Hazel was still making youtube videos and educating her viewers.

Today was the day Belle came back to LA, her friends were all in town to visit and were unaware of the girls sudden visit, she was still staying in Korea with her roommate and was here for a few weeks because she felt like it was time to be with her friends again even if it was for a little while.

" oh god" Hazel gasp and covers her mouth at the sight of her best friend, she immediately gets up from the couch and hugs her everyone confused but walks to the front door of Aaron's apartment " belle!" everyone said at the same time with the same enthusiasm, they all hug the girl and allowed her to settle down.

After awhile of catching up, she decided to walk around LA and get some fresh air. She happened to go to the very same beach Vinnie and her went to for their first date, the memories flowing in her head but it brings a smile on her face to reminisce the times with him.

Just then, she hears a very familiar voice causing her to look up and meeting the eyes of someone she once loved so deeply, " hi" a smile slowly plastered on his face, " hi" she smiled back at the boy.

" h-how have you been?" he asked nervously not sure why but maybe it was because he missed her a little too much, she looks down " i've been good and you?" she asked the boy who rubbed the neck of his neck " i've been okay"

They stood there awkwardly before Vinnie brought up a question that he instantly regretted asking, " do you still love me?" he asked without hesitation causing the girl to chuckle at the sudden question, she nods " everyday"

" then whats you stopping you from being with me ? whats stopping you from letting us be together again?" he asked desperate for an answer he knew would crush his heart, she looks at him with a sad smile on her face as she spoke " Vinnie, we need to let each other go. This relationship isn't right and maybe we weren't meant to be" her answer caused the boy to let out a soft laugh " you know its meant to be, we found our way back to each other again"he argued but she kept quiet for a second before saying " i'm sorry" she turned around and before she could take a step Vinnie added, " no i'm sorry too because I've spent all this time loving you and i've never once given up on you. It was like heaven send you to me when you randomly texted that very day, it was at the lowest and then I got your text and somehow it made me feel appreciative for the life i have and it was like I needed you to teach me how to be grateful for the things i have and if you really want me to then i will, i'll let go of you if it makes you happy." 

She turns back around her eyes meeting his eyes filled with tears, Belle smiled at herself, " let go of me because it'll make you happier." she mumbled to herself. Belle cups his cheeks and pressed her lips against his, " race you to the water" she giggles and ran off to the water Vinnie shocked but following behind her.


& that is the end of the book!
thank you all for reading:)

𝑯𝑬𝑨𝑽𝑬𝑵 𝑺𝑬𝑵𝐓 𝒀𝑶𝑼 𝑻𝑶 𝑴𝑬 - VINNIE.HWhere stories live. Discover now