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no thank you mister

BELLE answers the facetime request from Vinnie , his face popped up onto the screen with a big smile plastered

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BELLE answers the facetime request from Vinnie , his face popped up onto the screen with a big smile plastered .
Belle waved " hello sir" she greeted the male on the other line , he smiled and said " hello belle"

It was a little awkward but they slowly got comfortable with each other . Belle looks at Vinnie in disgust as he talked about a scary story , she was meant to be scared but she was actually disgusted which was something odd about the girl that she liked to think that she was a little crazy .

" You should come to LA" Vinnie suggested, the girl laugh at the sudden change of topic as she was still trying to process the scary story she shook her head and took a bite out of her brownie that she made .

" i hate LA never been to LA but I hate it" she spoke with disgust, vinnie frowns and tried to think of something else

" then where do you stay ?" he asked

Her hand flew to her mouth , " stalker ?"
Vinnie rolled his eyes for the hundredth time during the call because of the girl's silliness.  " im serious, i really wanna get to meet you" Vinnie shrugs

" i live in Canada with a few friends , i used to live in london" She smiled as she talked about London . Vinnie 's lips formed an ' o'
he had an idea " i'll come to canada then" he told Belle his idea
she immediately shook her head .

" why?" he asked , she shrug not knowing what the exact reason was but she knew that her friends would tease her and it would be hella awkward.

" then you come to LA"

" no thank you mister" Belle gave Vinnie a air kiss , he rolled his eyes again and changed the topic — the two got to know each other alot better after the call , they were practically friends and it was interesting for Belle because she hated making friends but a long distance friendship was something she never expected to have . Vinnie on the other hand , just hoped that he'd get to meet the girl one day but he wanted to take things slow since they just met a few days ago and this was their first time seeing each other through a screen .

The call ended , Belle walked downstairs and joined her roommates who were having ice cream . Belle puts some of her brownies into her ice cream and takes a bite , Skylar nudged her arm softly " so you and vinnie ?" she asked getting everyone's attention now on Belle .

" friends ."

" he wants me to go to LA then i say no  then he says he'll come to Canada ? then he changes the subject" Belle explained

Hudson smiled " home boy is just a little nervous plus maybe he wants to take things slow , y'all just met ? kinda"

Belle shrugs and continued eating her ice cream .

" who are you talking to ?" Kio asked barging into Vinnie's room giving Vinnie a little scare , Vinnie throws a pillow at Kio but he catches it " so who is it ?" kio smirked

Vinnie flipped him off " she's just a friend"

kio's eyes widened " she ?" he asked , vinnie rolled his eyes and groans knowing that Kio was gonna tell their other friends and everyone was going to start teasing of Vinnie and he was right . Kio runs out to the living room  with Vinnie chasing after him ,
" Vinnie has a girl friend" Kio yelled as he ran for his life .

Vinnie tackles Kio onto the floor , " shes just a friend"

Jordan pulls Vinnie up to stop him from squashing Kio to death ,
" whos this girl kio is talking about ?"

𝑯𝑬𝑨𝑽𝑬𝑵 𝑺𝑬𝑵𝐓 𝒀𝑶𝑼 𝑻𝑶 𝑴𝑬 - VINNIE.HWhere stories live. Discover now