02.act two

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do you like Belle ?

 CHAPTER 2 | NARRATIVE! ❝ do you like Belle ?❞

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THE DOOR BELL RANG STARTLING Belle and Renee who ran to the door to see who it was, she opened the door to see a tall male and a slightly taller one, one with kind of ginger hair and curls and the other was dark haired — the two boys smile and wave " is Belle at ho-"

" BELLE !" Renee yelled and signalled her to come over, Belle jogged over " what is it ?" she asked as she looked up and froze looking at the boys standing in front of her as her hands flew to cover her mouth " no way" she murmured and runs into the boy with whos arms were opened, " hi" she smiled " hi" he flashed a cheeky smile to hide his pink tinted cheeks.

" can i get a hug too ?" kio asked rubbing hie forearm, Belle pushed Vinnie away and wrapped her arms around Kio " you give much better hugs than vinnie" she whispered causing Kio to stick his tongue out at Vinnie.

" Vinnie, Kio this is Renee, Johnny, Aaron, Skylar, Hazel and Hudson" She introduces her friends to each other pointing to them when she calls out their names.

After she introduced everyone to each other , Hudson and Aaron pulled Vinnie into a room " no we need Johnny too," Aaron whispered to Hudson who then called Johnny, he followed the three boys well, two because Vinnie looked like he was being kidnaped, into the room and closed the door behind him.

They pointed to the bed and asked Vinnie to sit, he listens " now Vinnie, whats your real name ?" Hudson asked " um Vincent Hacker?" Vinnie answered giving the boys a weird looking not sure what they were doing, they nod and look at each other " middle name ?" Aaron asked , Vinnie furrowed his eyebrows " cole" he answered with a blunt tone.

" do you like Belle ?" Johnny asked with a straight face, ready to throw the boy out of his house if he says the wrong thing " y-yeah but we're just taking things slow," Vinnie stuttered a little getting scared by the looks on their faces.

The boys continued interrogating Vinnie while Belle and Kio were getting along very well, they were sitting in Belle's room and very oddly they were having a deep conversation about Kio's love life and Belle was playing the role of his therapist and she actually gave him very good advices .

After a very weird interrogation they let Vinnie go , he finds Kio and Belle in the mids of a deep conversation " whats going on ? Kio are you crying?" Vinnie tried to hold back his laugher, Belle smacks his arm " dont be a bitch." Vinnie side hugs Kio and pats his back.

Kio hung out with Hazel since the two actually got along and had a lot in common while Vinnie and Belle went on a little date.

" you know, Canada isn't that bad" Vinnie admits as he looked around his surroundings, Belle laughed " yeah but I'm not coming to LA" she gave him a look causing him to shrug in defence " but at least come to LA for a week ?" he begged with his hands together and his lips pouted Belle rolled her eyes playfully and nods her head " only because you're here for a week and i'm a nice person" she playfully flipped her hair.

They took a stroll on the beach and as the sunsets they sat down on the sand and watched the beautiful sun fade away, Belle puts her head on his shoulder sending chills down his spine ' oh my god' he thought to himself as he gave the girl a side look with a big smile plastered on his face, he slowly wraps an arm around her shoulder as they stayed like that for awhile.

" there's no way you dated Olivia Ponton" Hazel gave him a look of disbelief as she took a bite of her cookie, he nods his head " i did but we broke up" he lets out a soft laugh Hazel joining him but then she looks at him dead in the eye " you really deserve better than olive oil" Hazel rolled her eyes.

Kio chuckles " why do you hate her?" he asked Hazel who furrowed her eyebrows " i don't, she just gives me weird vibes."

" plus she used to be friends with us and she turned out to be a bitch, she literally used Hud-" Hazel stops herself from completing her sentence before she spilled too much.

Belle was now sitting up straight with Vinnie laying on her legs that were crossed, she played with his hair and her other hand was intertwined with Vinnie's hands " okay but stealing candy isn't a crime" Vinnie laughed— the two were talking about the time Belle stoled candy from a toddler "i think it kinda is" belle argued.

Vinnie sat up and looked at Belle in the eyes, he cups her face and pressed his lips against hers quickly pulling away and leaving the girl shocked, laying back down on her lap again " hate you" she says with a smile

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