011. bonus chapter

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its you and me, always

MONTHS AFTER, Vinnie and Belle decided that it was best for them to stay as friends

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MONTHS AFTER, Vinnie and Belle decided that it was best for them to stay as friends. Belle was now back in Korea but she often visits her friends in Canada but as for Vinnie, they were on face time almost every minute of the day even when the boy went to the skate park he would bring her along.

" I swear y'all are practically crushing on each other" her roommate nudged her shoulder, Belle shook her head " no we're like best friends? I don't know but I just enjoy his company" Belle spoked as a smile formed on her face, Lily laughs " you're literally blushing !" she smacks Belles arm earning a glare from the girl " okay fine whatever"

The thing was even when the two obviously had feelings for each other, they didn't want to get into a relationship with each other again knowing that long distance may affect their relationship but Vinnie on the other hand doesn't seem to mind considering the fact that the two facetime everyday it wouldn't be a big problem if they get into a relationship, it was just Belle's thoughts that stopped her from getting together with the boy that clearly has her heart.

It was that time of month, Belle came to visit LA. Vinnie sat on his bed and looked at the girl who played with Mochi, Kio's dog " i love you baby" She pats Mochi Kio walks in with a frown to claim his dog back.Vinnie gently taps her shoulder causing the girl to turn around " yes?" she asked he shook his head and sat beside her taking her hands and intertwining them with his as her eyes meet his, she gets lost in his hazel brown eyes while the boy lifts her chin up with his other hand and slowly bringing her closer as their lips touch and they slowly deepen the kiss. The boy wrapping his arms around her waist as her arms snake around his neck she gets on top of him while the boy slowly kisses her neck making his way to her collar bone.


She pushes him off and closes the door locking it too just incase, he gets up and pins her against the wall her legs wrapped her his torso the kiss deepening each time. He takes her shirt off and gently throws her onto the bed as he gets on top of her and leaving little hickeys on her neck and making his way down to her chest area, she takes his shirt off as slowly trace his abs with her fingers causing the boy to smirk and pinning her down the bed.

" i dont think friends have sex" Vinnie laughed before threw himself onto the girl, " oh shut up" she says as she gets up and ties her hair up.

She lets out soft moans as he slowly inserts it into her


They lay under the sheet, his hands wrapped around her as she lays on his chest drawing circles on the palm of his hand, " i love you" he mumbled out of sudden leaving the girl shock and confused not knowing what to say " vinnie, you know i-"

" i know but i dont see why you can't give us a chance" he said in a tone,she looked at him " fine but thats because I know the more I resist, the more i'm gonna catch feelings for you" Vinnie looked down at the girl with a smile on his face, " I think you already caught feelings for me all these while, dont act like you never did"

" lily told me" he added earning the girl to sit up " lily" she groans puts her hair up into a messy bun Vinnie chuckles and gets up " so does that mean your my girlfriend now?" he asked the girl who blushed lightly, " if you want me to be"

They spend their time together whether it was when Belle went back to Korea or Canada and they were on Face time for hours or even if she was in town, they enjoyed every minute and every hour of their time together or even on the screen just talking and catching up with each other. Each day Belle remembered why she fell for Vinnie in the first place, it was because he always chase after the thing he loves and he never gave up for Vinnie, he fell in love with the girl everyday be it her on the screen of his phone or physically by his side in his arms. The one thing he was appreciative of was how Belle magically came into his life and she never once regretted texting her late sisters phone number everyday.

the end.

for real.

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