08.act two

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please don't leave me now

" LET ME GO" belle screamed but it was muffled, " oh shut up!" a familiar voice yelled

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" LET ME GO" belle screamed but it was muffled, " oh shut up!" a familiar voice yelled.

" Vinnie! there's a situation i'll explain in the car we need to
go rightnow" Jordan and Vinnie rush to the car and drove to the park " okay so faith was seen in the park and what seem like she was trying to hurt someone ? a female to be exact and a passerby caught everything and I feel like that female could be Belle because emily posted on her story and the female with her looked like belle." Jordan spoke quickly it was too much for Vinnie to take in but he somehow managed to absorb all the information, they quickly rush out if the car once they see a blonde hair girl trying to suffocate another person.

She lets go of Belle, " you shouldn't have came to LA! you should have just stayed in Canada and since you can't bare to leave Vinnie for a week then i'll make sure you leave him alone forever." Faith takes a small knife out of her pocket,she got closer to Belle and before she could hurt the girl , two strong figures stopped her from doing so. Jordan tries to protect Belle but Faith pushes him away causing him to fall, she runs over to Belle and wrap an arm around her and then another hand holding onto the knife against Belle's throat.

" faith drop the knife." Vinnie demanded but the girl shook her head and refused, Vinnie tried to distract her and when she lost her mind and loosen her grip on the object Jordan quickly grabbed it from her hand and then she uses her elbow to hit against Jordans chest, Vinnie tries his best to get her to drop the knife but ends up getting hurt.

But it didn't end there, Belle stood there in shock and the whole situation was a mess like from an action movie " just stop." she begged now in tears, " just do it, take vinnie and take my life away if that makes you happy." She looked at Faith who grabs the knife off the ground, she walked closer " you'll thank me one day" and before jordan or vinnie could do anything, Belle falls to the ground vinnie rushes over and catches her as she bleeds profusely, Jordan quickly calls for medical help while Faith suddenly disappeared.

" Belle please, hang in there okay?" He begged as he held onto her in his arms, " please don't leave me now"

he lets out a soft sigh, " i'm sorry"

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