01.act two

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shes crazy !

            " Vinnie can we-" Faith barged into Vinnie's room and gets cut off when she sees the luggage on his floor , " where are you going ?" she asked pointing to the packed suitcase on the floor , Vinnie shrugged and grabbed his phone off his...

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            " Vinnie can we-" Faith barged into Vinnie's room and gets cut off when she sees the luggage on his floor , " where are you going ?" she asked pointing to the packed suitcase on the floor , Vinnie shrugged and grabbed his phone off his table completely ignoring Faith's presence.

" Anyways, can we just talk ?" Faith asked in a desperate tone causing Vinnie to look at her then looking back at his device , " okay then where are you going ?" She asked another question hoping he would answer at least this question but nothing just silence. Faith takes his phone away which forced him to face the girl but he still stayed silent and walked to Kio's room , " hey bud" Kio smiled as he looked up at Vinnie who just walked into the room and continued playing with Mochi, his dog after " kio , please kindly tell me where vinnie is going" Faith smiled at Kio who looked at Vinnie that was giving him a death glare .

" don't know" Kio lied , Faith groans and gives Vinnie his phone back " thank you and i'm going to Canada" Vinnie winked before walking back to his room and locking his door .

Faith stood there and looked at Kio with disbelief " canada ? for what" She asked kio again who shrugged and walked outside with Mochi.

" honestly fuck all of you" she mumbled and walked out of the house , Vinnie hears her leave the house and gets unlocks his door he walked to the living room and lets out a sigh of relief.

" Why are you avoiding her?" kio asked giving vinnie a shock , Vinnie placed a hand on his chest and tried to catch his breath "she is crazy okay.She found out about belle and she got all jealous? i don't even know why when we were just friends all along and then she texted Belle being all nice and shit"

Kio raised an eyebrow " and because of that she's crazy ?"
he asked giving Vinnie a look of confusion, " and if she knew about Belle then why did she aft so shock about you going to Canada ?" Kio asked another question causing Vinnie to groan " i dont know okay, maybe she wants to stalk us or she wants to act all innocent?" Vinnie threw his hands in the air and then placed them on the side of his hips .

Belle tackled Johnny causing the both of them to fall onto the boys bed, they laugh at the loud thud heard " is your heart okay?" Johnny asked as he laughed at the girl rubbing her head— she nods her head and the two of them stay quiet for a few seconds after laughing a little too much " do you wanna go for a drive?" john asked the girl who flashed a smile at him , the two hop into the car and drive to who knows where.

The two jammed out to some of Johnny's songs that he has been working on and even played some songs, after an hour of driving to who knows where they park at a random destination and took a short break, Johnny looked at his best friend and asked
"so you and Vinnie ?" which caused the girl to smile just by hearing his name " we're okay" she responded to the question.

The two drove home since it was late, they continued jamming out to songs and have deep talks.

𝑯𝑬𝑨𝑽𝑬𝑵 𝑺𝑬𝑵𝐓 𝒀𝑶𝑼 𝑻𝑶 𝑴𝑬 - VINNIE.HWhere stories live. Discover now