09.act two

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you disgust me

HE LETS OUT A SOFT SIGH, " im sorry" vinnie apologies to Johnny knowing that he caused his best friend to get hurt and was not able to protect her

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HE LETS OUT A SOFT SIGH, " im sorry" vinnie apologies to Johnny knowing that he caused his best friend to get hurt and was not able to protect her.

" its alright" Johnny avoided eye contact and walked into the girl's hospital room, lucky for her the stab wounds were too deep and she didn't lose too much blood.

" how are you doing?" vinnie asked the girl who lets out a small laugh " vincent, i'm doing okay. You don't have to ask me the same question every five seconds and I know that Johnny has been really cold towards you but its not your fault and i don't hate you." she said which caused him to smile a little and hopefully feeling a little better.

" hows your hand?" she asked, he looks at his hand wrapped in a bandage " it hurts because your not holding onto it" he said with a smirk causing belle to roll her eyes " you disgust me" but just then she put her hand on top of his and intertwined their hands together " it feels so much better now" he laughed.

IT HAS BEEN DAYS since Belle got discharged and Faith decided to get some mental help. The whole gang decided to come to LA incase there were anymore crazy incidents and they found a nice airbnb.

Vinnie walked towards the front door of the airbnb to pick his date up, he rang the door bell and soon the door opened to reveal Aaron and Renee " come in, security check" Renee lets him in, she signals " hands up" and Vinnie follows while aaron checked him
" all clear" aaron nods his head. Renee cleared her throat " what time are you supposed to bring her home ?" she gave Vinnie a stern look " 11?" he responded " and do you promise to take care of her and protect her ?" but before vinnie could answer, Belle walked out of her room " what is thus bullshit.come on vinnie lets go" she intertwined their fingers together and walked out of the door.

okay bur four updates ?? DAMNNN
please tell me if this is good or not
also act three is coming so yeah more drama ?

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