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his in love !

      " WELL YOU GUYS WERE GONE , I ALMOST GOT KIDNAPPED" Belle overreacted , Johnny rolling his eyes and passing Belle her ice cream everyone got into their seats and Hudson started the car and drove off

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      " WELL YOU GUYS WERE GONE , I ALMOST GOT KIDNAPPED" Belle overreacted , Johnny rolling his eyes and passing Belle her ice cream everyone got into their seats and
Hudson started the car and drove off .

" you should introduce us to vinnie" Skylar suggested everyone agreeing with her idea , Belle shook her head " no because y'all are gonna scare the pretty boy away" she was right . Her friends always scared her crushes away because of how protective they were but Belle understood her friends actions and since Vinnie and Belle were just friends ,nothings serious , she didn't feel the need of introducing her friends to the boy not for now .

Vinnie ,on the other hand ,felt the need to brag about Belle to his friends . Yes ,they were curious about the girl at first and Vinnie was shy to talk about it but after they all found out and after vinnie explained things he couldn't keep his mouth shut and the only thing that comes out of his mouth was about the girl and how sweet and funny she was .

" his in love." Kio said , the three other boys all agreeing with him while Vinnie sat on the couch with a frown on his face denying the fact he actually was .

" how can i be inlove with someone i've never met?" He argued

Jordan smirked , " then explain the girls on your comments" Vinnie puts his hands up in defeat and scrolled through his Instagram feed silently knowing his friends were going to attack him even more if he spoke another word .

Everyone's attention turns to the door as a loud knock was heard , they kept quiet and then knocked again . Jordan and Kio walked to the door to see who or what it was , their eyes widened as they see who it was at the door " should we open it ?" Kio whispered.

𝑯𝑬𝑨𝑽𝑬𝑵 𝑺𝑬𝑵𝐓 𝒀𝑶𝑼 𝑻𝑶 𝑴𝑬 - VINNIE.HWhere stories live. Discover now