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you aren't that special baby

        VINNIE STRESSED ABOUT  TEXTING THE GIRL , he puts his phone down and the next thing he knew he received a text message from her

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        VINNIE STRESSED ABOUT TEXTING THE GIRL , he puts his phone down and the next thing he knew he received a text message from her .

iMessageFRI , 27 NOV ,3:15PM

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FRI , 27 NOV ,3:15PM

elle 🐋
well hello vincent

elle 🐋
how are you today ?

vincent van gogh 🙄
hi belle

vincent van gogh 🙄
i'm okay

elle 🐋
that's good to hear

elle 🐋
anyways i just texted you because
there was this random guy staring at me
at IKEA and my friends all ditched me
to get ice cream and i'm in the car ..

elle 🐋
just needed the entertainment

vincent van gogh 🙄
but why they leave you in the car

elle 🐋
johnny ,aaron and renee went to get ice cream ,
hazel , hudson and skylar went to the rest room so
im alone 🙄👍🏻

vincent van gogh 🙄
i'll ship myself to canada

elle 🐋
wait can you actually ?😄

vincent van gogh 🙄
i'll probably be dead by the time
they ship me over ???? idk

elle 🐋
ooh .. a dead vincent ? sure

elle 🐋
i'll sell ur bones online 

vincent van gogh 🙄
might as well open a museum
for me 🥰🤚🏻

elle 🐋
you aren't that special baby 🥳

vincent van gogh 🙄
dang belle you're already calling me baby ?

elle 🐋
stfu vinyl 🔪

vincent van gogh 🙄
love u too 💖
Read 3:19PM


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