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It was way past nine at night, probably somewhere nearing twelve o'clock, and we were just arriving to the Halloween party at Beckett's house; partially because Lauren burned off a good portion of her left hand, and also because Keria caught her dress in the car door and now she greatly resembled the bride of Frankenstein.

"You look fine!" Jacque reassured her, rubbing her back slightly as a calming gesture. Luckily, Jacque and Lauren had immediately welcomed Keira with open arms, and they had all gotten along pretty well.

"You do, trust us." I chimed in, flashing her a supportive smile as I got out of the car.

As I exited the car, I yanked down the material of the dress so it wouldn't expose my ass, and then adjusted the top so I wouldn't end up flashing anyone. The dress wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, paired with heals, but it was still slightly crossing the comfort line.

"We look so good," Lauren mused, checking her reflection out in the car window for the second or third time.

Rolling my eyes, I glanced at the time on my phone again, frowning when I realized we only had two or so hours left of the party to make an appearance.

"Let's go, so you can see lover boy." I quipped, directing my comment towards Jacque as I pulled Lauren away from admiring herself.

We all had our hair down, with the exception of Lauren's low and curled ponytail. We also all wore white matching heels that would no doubt cause one of us to break an ankle before the night was up.

"Josh probably won't even talk to me," Jacque mumbled, mostly to herself, as she walked behind me.

"So it's just Josh now?" Lauren teased, "Not Joshua?"

Keira shot me a confused expression. "Joshua and Jacque have a thing going on," I explained to her, purposefully loud so Jacque and Lauren would hear me from behind.

Keria glanced back at Jacque with a small grin. "That's so cute! Are you guys dating? How did he ask you-"

"Not yet," I told her with a knowing smirk present on my face.

"Orion!" Jacque all but screamed, "Shut up!"

"We all know it's going to happen," Lauren commented. "We have a bet going on about it."

"Lauren!" I yelled, turning around to face them and mimicking Jacque. "Shut up!"

I saw her roll her eyes in the light before I turned around and knocked a few times on the door to Beckett's house. "Coming!" Someone yelled loudly from inside.

A random guy from the hockey team answered the door, and grinned immediately when he made eye contact with someone behind me.

My eyes widened in surprise as I realized he was the underclassmen Lauren was making googly eyes with when the hockey team came to her house to apologize. Grinning slightly to myself, I walked inside after Keira did, as we followed the loud thumping of bass coming from the basement.

"New bet," I proposed to Jacque and Keira as we descended the stairs. "How long it takes Lauren and that kid get together."

Jacque shook her head and confidently replied with a "Never," at the same time Keira responded with a cheery "One week!"

They immediately turned and glared at each other playfully. I tugged on both of their forearms and practically dragged them down the stairs, not bothering to look for Lauren. She was probably having fun with her new friend.

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