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            “I can’t believe you dragged me here,” I hissed at Jacque, who was currently tugging on the sleeve of my field hockey jacket in hopes that I would speed up so we could grab good spots in the stands to watch the last ice hockey game until playoffs.      

            “What are friends for?”  She asked before her face transformed into one of worry.  “Do I look okay?”  She was wearing Joshua’s jersey, after much discussion, that had a big John Jay Indian’s logo on the front, followed by dark purple numbers on the back that had his last name and the number 15 in huge block letters.        

            “Yes,” I sighed, “You’ve asked that at least twice in the past twenty minutes.”

            She rolled her eyes, “I just wanted to make sure.”  I laughed a little at how insecure she was acting.

            “He’s just a guy,” I told her plainly. 

            “He’s just a guy,” she repeated to herself.  “I’m going to go in and see if I can find him,” she told me, “If you want you can wait out here.”

            I nodded, “I think I’ll go get some food.”   

            “Figured you’d want too,” she muttered as she gave me a friendly wave, walking off in the direction of the rink.  “Come find me in the stands before the game starts, I’ll save you a spot!”

“Okay,” I said after her, watching her back slowly inch out of my vision. 

I followed the various signs around until the food court was in my sights, and I grinned happily as I read over the menu looking for something to drink.  

“Orion?”  A voice questioned from behind me.

I turned around to come face to face with Lauren’s ginger boyfriend.  “Hey, Sean, shouldn’t you be with your team?”  I questioned, even though I knew he wouldn’t be meeting with them for another couple of minutes.

“Nah,” he said, coming closer.  “I heard you were here so I came to ask you something.”

            “What do you need?  Girlfriend advice?”  I joked.

            “Actually, yeah,” he said, running a nervous hand through his red hair, flipping the long locks over the back of his head.  “Don’t mention this to anyone, but I’m kind of into someone else right now.”

            “But you’re dating Lauren,” I pointed out.

            He sighed and rubbed his eyes with his hands.  “I know that, that’s the problem.  I want to break up with her, but then if I go after the other girl she’ll know.  They’re friends.”

            I raised an eyebrow, “Is it Jacque?  Because I’m pretty sure that’s going against Bro Code or some shit, she’s wearing Joshua’s jersey tonight.”        

            He rolled his eyes.  “It’s not Jacque, Orion.”

            “I don’t want to know who it is,” I said, stubbornly putting my hands over my ears, “And I don’t want to be responsible for knowing this big secret and keeping it from Lauren, so you’re better off just going to talk to the other girl.  Does she even like you back?”

            “That’s what I’m trying to figure out,” he told me, before advancing on me quickly and smashing his lips against mine sloppily.

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