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30 part 1.

            I frowned at Keira, who was desperately trying to get me to sit still on the uncomfortable toilet seat.  I was sitting on the lid, while she was attempting at putting makeup on me, but I was squirming around so much I wouldn’t be surprised if she accidentally drew me an extra set of eyebrows.

            “Are you almost done?”  I whined as I felt Jacque tug my hair from the side.  “I can’t believe I let them talk me into this,” I whined to Lauren, who was examining the clothing I had in my closet.        

            “Oh, be quiet, you big baby.  You have a date tonight and I’d much rather be doing your makeup than studying for my French test.”

            “But it’s Friday!”  Jacque said, “How much studying could you possibly be doing.  And besides, Rye,” she said to me, “We’re going to make you look so hot.”

            “So hot!”  Lauren called from my bedroom. 

            Rolling my eyes at my friends, I tilted my head up when I heard Jacque say too, causing Keira to let out a small shriek.  “Orion!  Don’t move!”

            “Jacque told me too!”  I defended, widening my eyes innocently as I looked at Keira.  Her tongue was poking out between her lips and her eyes were very concentrated on my face, her eyebrows pinching together as she stared.

            “I’m almost done,” she told me, wiping a few more strokes of blush onto my cheeks.

            She suddenly stepped back to look at my face, and smiled proudly to herself after a few seconds of just looking.  “Done!”

            I grinned at her, excited to see myself.  I hoped she didn’t outdo it.  “I’m almost done too.”  Jacque said as she yanked my hair in another direction.  I felt a sharp pull at my scalp and a little curse as she apologized.

            “What are you doing to my hair?”

            “Curling it a little!”

            “It looks good,” Keira comforted me as she saw my worried expression.  “It looks really good.”

            “I know it does,” Jacque said, disregarding the fact that Keira wasn’t talking to her. 

            I laughed as Lauren walked into the room with a pile of clothing hanging in the crook of her elbow.  Why is she always in charge of the clothes?  I thought as she opened her mouth to speak.  “What kind of outfit did Beckett tell you to wear?” 

            I pursed my lips as I tried o remember.  “He said something fancy-casual, whatever the hell that means.  I’m glad you’re picking out my outfit because I have no idea what to wear.”

            Keira squealed as she heard my answer, giggling happily with her hands bunched up into excited fists.  “You guys are going to have so much fun!”

            “Just remember that a while ago you hated this kid,” Jacque told me.  “I always knew you two would eventually get together.”

            “We’re not ‘together,’” I replied plainly back to my dark-haired friend as Lauren let out a grunt of agreement with what Jacque said.

            “Keira come here!”  Lauren called out as she exited the bathroom again, taking the pile of clothing with her.

            “You better be hanging that stuff back up!”  I yelled to her.  I felt Jacque release my hair and pat it down, before I was told to close my eyes.

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