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        It was awkward. The jersey fell from my shoulders out and the length reached just above my knees, so it ended up looking more like an unfashionable, heavy dress than a hockey jersey.

        Josh's jersey was even longer on Jacque, reaching past her knees so her legs were barely viewable underneath her knee-high boots and knit tights.

        "What time does the game start?" Jacque asked as she attempted to pull the jersey up more on her body.

        "Soon. Probably like ten minutes? They're still warming up right now. We should go find seats." Tommy's jersey was hugging Lauren's body tightly, probably because the kid was extremely thin and muscular. Needless to say, Lauren wasn't wearing a dress. "I want to say hi to Tommy before the game, anyway."

        I smirked at her. "We know you do. Let's go."

        She rolled her eyes. "Stop doing that!"

        "What?" I inquired innocently. "Implying that there's something going on? Because you told me there wasn't," I hummed, making fun of the other night when she kept trying to say that there was nothing going on with Tommy.

        Jacque laughed, pulling open the large door to the ice rink. We were all hit with a cold blast of air, and despite the large jersey, I still found myself wrapping my arms around my body.

        "You know what?" Lauren grumbled, but her attention wasn't on us anymore. She was searching through the various guys on the rink, attempting to pick out Tommy. What number was Beckett? I thought to myself as I followed Lauren's example, picking out players that I recognized.

        Eventually, I found Beckett, taking a shot on goal, his casted thumb making him stand out more- so than the others. I spotted Josh as well, number fifteen, who was off to the side talking to the coach from the other team.

        A horn went off from the scoreboard as Jacque, Lauren, and I started drifting from watching through the glass to finding seats on the bleachers.

        The players on our team moved into some sort of rapid fire drill, taking continuous shots on goal. After a minute or so, they were all done, and they began skating around the ice collecting pucks and hitting them back towards one spot to get them easier.

        Beckett skated over towards the glass near me, pressing his stick against the thick plastic and grinning widely. "Orion!" He called through the glass as his team started skating back towards their bench.

        I looked towards him, and then the hockey stick in his hands.

        In thick black tape, the word "Girlfriend?" was placed on, messy enough that I didn't understand what it said for a few seconds.

        He wants me to be his girlfriend? A week ago we couldn't stand each other!

        "I know this is kind of lame!" He quipped, a sheepish grin plastered on his face, "But will you be my girlfriend?"

        I laughed, a smile overtaking my face. Nodding my head, I glanced behind him to see his coach yelling at him to get his ass over to their huddle. "Yes!"

        Smirking, he backed away from the glass. "I'd kiss you if there wasn't this glass separating us right now," he told me loudly, skating backwards towards his team.

        "Go win the game!" I yelled to his retreating body, shaking my head at him as he finally turned, but not before he sent me a quick wink.

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