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"So how do you want to do this?" Catherine asked me as I was smoothing out my black dress, tugging the lace sleeves down past my wrists so I could play with the seams.

"Just avoid her, I guess."

Catherine grinned and knocked on the door to Jacque's house before putting her hands in the pockets of her red sweater.

"Hey guys! Thanks for coming!" Jacque said. She was wearing a flower print dress that flared out at the bottom, and her lips were stained red with lipstick.

As we entered her cozy house, the smell of food quickly washed over me and I would've started drooling right there, if Georgia didn't come over and ruin my moment of happiness. Girl can't take a hint that I don't like her, can she!

"Hi! You both look really pretty," she said. It was almost nice, if it wasn't for the fact that she said it with a smirk on her face and an evil glint in her dark brown eyes.

"Thanks, Georgia," Catherine forced out with a slight grimace.

Thankfully, Jacque's mom came in at the moment, smiling widely when she saw us, giddily running over to hug us both before complimenting our outfits. "You both look amazing! Orion, I'm making your favorite because I didn't want to cook anything elaborate," she said, making me grin and thank her.

Jacque's mom, Aya, was a short Asian woman who had multiple piercings in each ear and a heart as big as the whole Northern Hemisphere, and she also happened to be the greatest cook on the face of Earth. "Let's go sit," Georgia said, hostility present in her voice.

Someone didn't get a compliment on her outfit! I thought smugly as I walked past Georgia's irritated face and into the kitchen, Catherine and Aya trailing slowly behind me.

"Orion!" Finn cried from behind the counter, quickly chewing the food in his mouth and walking over to me with his arms outstretched.

"You didn't peg me as the touchy-feely type." I told him honestly, hugging him back and inhaling his cologne.

I felt him laugh through the hug, and pulled back, turning my attention on the table of food while he answered. "Yeah, well, I am."

I laughed and grabbed a small piece of chicken off the counter, popping it into my mouth before looking at who else was stationed in the kitchen.

Jacque was standing with her mother and Catherine, while Georgia was off in the corner with a boy, who's back was facing me, and multiple parents loomed around the room with some sort of alcoholic beverage in their hand.

"I take it we aren't allowed to drink?" I joked to Finn who shook his head in fake misery.

"Nope. Already asked."

"You don't say anything about it until you get caught," I reprimanded.

Grinning, a small smirk made its way onto his face as he pulled me out of the kitchen and into the living room, which was currently deserted, except for the small orange fire burning in the fireplace. "I know. That's why I brought this." He held up a small flask with the initials FG in fancy cursive letters.

"I'm loving you more by the second," I said to him, taking a swig after he did. "Ugh," I groaned, "Pure rum? You have awful taste."

He winced as well, taking another swig. "It was the only thing I could find in my house."

I shook my head, holding up my index finger in a wait a minute gesture, making my way over to my jacket and reaching into the inside pocket. I pulled out my red, white and blue flask, retreating back to Finn and holding it up as I walked over. "How about some bourbon?"

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