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                  I subtly winked at Keira, who was sitting across the giant circle from me, in between Josh and Lauren.

                  "KEMPS!"  She yelled loudly, the sound causing me to throw down my cards in the middle of the circle and pump my fist in victory.


                  "This isn't fair!"  Jacque whined, "You two win every round, how the hell are you so good at Kemps?"  She threw down her cards as well, two queens and two kings.

                  I smirked at her.  "It's a gift, really."

                  "Gift my ass, you two are definitely cheating."  Josh grumbled, taking Jacque's side as he threw down his three two's and single one of hearts. 

                  "You blew it for us!"  Beckett yelled across at Josh, bumping into my arm slightly as he threw down his set of sixes.  "Did you forget the sign?"

                  Josh crossed his arms and huffed at the sight of the set.  "I did not.  You were supposed to tap your nose twice."

                  "That's what you're supposed to do!  I was supposed to cough."

                  "You did cough."

                  We all collectively groaned at Josh's stupidity, causing him to let out an innocent, "What?"

                  No one bothered explaining it to him.

                  We were sitting in Lauren's basement, a deck of cards divided up between the six of us, Charlie skipping out because he was skiing.  Tommy replaced him, and he sat on the side and switched in with Lauren every once in a while, playing Kemps, the partner card game that Keira and I happened to dominate at.  It was the second to last day before our few-day February Break, which thanks to all the snow days, was cut short so now it seemed more like an extra long weekend than an actual break.

                  "Can we take a break?"  Josh asked, "This is causing me mentalanguish."

                  "Grow up, man," Beckett said, slinging an arm around my shoulder as everyone else tossed their cards in the middle, forming a shitty makeshift pile.

                  Joshua huffed, breaking the circle first as he leaned back against the brown couch, resting his head on the top.  "You guys coming to the game tomorrow night?"

                  I winced as everyone let out excited hoots and cheers.  "You coming?"  Beckett whispered in my ear.

                  "Wouldn't miss it," I whispered back, rolling my eyes as he rubbed his nose across my jaw. 

                  "Get a room you two," Lauren said, although she herself was snuggled up next to Tommy.

                  We needed to get Keira a boyfriend.

                  "Is it too soon to ask you to go to prom with me?"  Beckett asked as I leaned into his muscular shoulder.

                  "Can I wear sweatpants and moccasins?"

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