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HEADS UP: for those of you who don't know how the game "odds" works, its basically person a gives person b an odds, which is basically a dare and says "odds are you..." and person b answers with the odds that they would do that like "one in three" and then they each say a number 1 in 3 after saying three to one and if they get the same number person b has to do the odds and if they chicken out person a gives them an even more outrageous one that they have to do. OKAY CONTINUE!



According to Lauren, who had designated herself our sober driver, because apparently having a boyfriend means you can't get drunk, being an hour late to a party was considered "fashionable" and socially acceptable, but I couldn't care less unless there was alcohol, and a lot of it.

We walked into Sean's house at ten thirty, the house already full of people and various cheering hockey players as they downed celebratory shots. "Well, I'm assuming they won?" I said sarcastically to the others as we made our way into the kitchen to be greeted with two underclassmen defenders dancing shirtless on the kitchen table to the song Wasted. I definitely liked them better wasted.

Jacque snorted at my comment and grabbed a cup off the counter, pouring vodka into it as if her life depended on it.

I followed suit, grabbing a black cup and also pouring vodka into it. "So," I said to her, nudging her in the stomach, "Let's set you up with a guy."

"Yeah, no thanks." She told me, sipping her drink tentatively and scrunching up her nose as she swallowed it. "How do you drink this stuff straight?"

I shrugged. "Tastes like ass, but you do it anyway."

She laughed, "Of course."

"Alright," I said to her, drinking most of my drink in one go in the hopes that the alcohol would catch up to me quicker, "Odds are you ask that random guy over there to dance."

"I don't think he goes to our school," she said as she scrutinized him, briefly glancing him up and down.

"He's cute! And that's even better if he doesn't."

She shook her head at me, her eyes still trained on the boy. "One in five," she finally decided.

"Three, two, one, four!" We said simultaneously. Jacque groaned briefly before finishing her drink and clumsily handing me the cup, walking over to the guy and flicking her hair over her shoulder as she went.

I finished my drink as well as I turned away from the two, who had already begun a conversation of sorts. "Time to get another drink," I mumbled underneath my breath as I walked over to the table, hardly keeping my balance on my heels.

"You aren't going to congratulate me on the win?" Beckett's cocky voice spoke from behind me.

"You didn't do anything."

"I'm captain," he pointed out and I could almost imagine his asshole smirk in my mind.

Shrugging my shoulders I bumped past him. "Doesn't mean anything!"

"Whatever," I heard him say as Catherine tugged me onto the dance floor.

"What's good?"

She smiled, which quickly morphed into a frown. "I'm ending things with Charlie?"

"You don't sound so sure!" I yelled over the music.

She bit her lip as she continued to bounce up and down to the beat. "Yeah, but he flirts with every single girl he sees!"

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