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            “What the fuck!”

            I heard a loud thump, followed by a groan of pain and another feminine curse.  Lazily rolling over, I stretched my arms out underneath the pillows, not bothering to open my eyes and see what happened. 

            A hard object slapped my back suddenly, and my eyes shot open, the bright light streaming through the windows causing them to flutter painfully a few times. 

            When they adjusted, I noticed Orion standing there with a sheet wrapped around her body, straps sticking out of the top of it and wrapping themselves around her chest.  “You pervert!”  She accused, glaring at me with her piercing blue eyes.  I wasn’t going to deny anything; I was checking her out.  “What happened last night?”

            I furrowed my brow as I tore my gaze away from her body and slightly husky morning voice, thankful that I was lying down on my stomach.  “I don’t know.  You sore?”

            I heard her suck in a deep breath, probably trying to control her anger.  She got fired up so easily.  “No!  I’m not, we didn’t sleep together, Manno.”

            “You sure?”  I questioned her, hyper aware of the fact that she might not have any pants on underneath the blanket.

            Quickly, I lifted up the sheet over me, and was relieved to see that I did have my boxers and pants on from last night.  So I didn’t sleep with her?

            “Well I’m covered.  Are you?”  I smirked slightly in her direction as I saw her clench her jaw in annoyance, her jaw popping out on the sides of her cheeks slightly. 

            “Why can’t I remember anything?  Hell, I don’t even remember drinking!”  She started to pace lightly across the room, and I didn’t realize she was looking for her clothes until she bent down to retrieve her ruined pink dress.

            “I remember you needing to be lent a shirt, and the rest is kind of a blur, to be honest.”  Glancing around the room, I noticed the disheveled sheets and blankets strewn all around the floor, and my clothes messily spilling out of my dresser.  “Hey,” I said, recalling the huge bang in the morning, “Did you fall out of the bed?”

            “No.”  She muttered, “I freaked out a little when I saw you next to me, I thought we slept together.”

            “Wouldn’t be too bad,” I commented cheekily, flashing her a wink when she turned around to scowl at me.

            Swiftly turning back around so her back was to me, I caught a slight glimpse of a smile on her face as she twisted.  “I’ll call Keira.”

            Shrugging, I slowly got out of the warm bed and looked around on the extremely disordered floor, searching for a shirt to put on.  I saw Orion glance at me out of the corner of her eye, and I purposefully turned slightly towards her as I retrieved an orange shirt off the floor. 

            She avoided my gaze. 

            Something white caught my eye from underneath the pile of clothes at my feet, and I reached in, grabbing it out.  “This might explain the memory loss,” I told her as I lifted up the bottle of liquor. 

            Orion groaned, rubbing her face in her hands.  She had the messy dress on, the dark stain still present on it, and a new rip fresh on the side, all the way up to her hip.  I saw a slight section of her navy underwear.  “You’re a lace kind of girl?”

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