A Half Naked Devil Appears In My Home

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Natsu P.O.V

After a long afternoon of boring homework and playing games. I took a long deserved shower. My hair was still wet while the rest of my body was dry. Even though I'm home alone I wore some sleep pants that were a little brown and had white lines. I got myself ready for bed as I was going to school tomorrow even though I know the dangers. I just couldn't leave Akeno like that, I became attached to her even in so little time. Her smile and aura kind of reminds me of mom. I still wish they were here to see what I've become. The King of Dragons, the most powerful Dragon to ever exist. But I still wonder how will they feel about what I did after their death. I killed millions and killed the two lord of the Devil and Angel Faction out of pure rage and vengeance. I wonder how they would feel about that? I wonder how Akeno would react if she knew? Would she leave me?, Shun me out,Or help in my capture. I don't know and I don't want to believe she would do that. I just got to trust her and hope for the best. I threw myself on the bed laid there for a couple of minutes. Darkness soon came over me and I was halfway asleep.

-Time Skip-

I was knocked out like a light. I was dreaming of flying in the sky freely without any worrys. The sky was perfect and grass flowed with the wind. Everything thing was perfect until I heard the creaking of wood. I automatically woke up out of my dream but laid still so I wouldn't scare my intruder right away. I felt the bed slightly dip down behind me and the covers being lifted up and put back down. I then felt something against my back and arms wrapping around me. I was confused about this as usually the intruder either is trying to rob you or murder you, but whoever this is isn't doing any. I smelled the air and it smelled like a Devil. I tensed up at the thoughts that ran rapid in my head. Are they here to kill me? Or are they trying to put a spell on me? I thought. I was broken away by my thoughts by a voice I knew very well or kinda knew.

"Natsu I know your awake, someone as powerful as you wouldn't let a Wood creaking go unchecked now would you?" She asked

Without even responding to her question and turning around. I asked her exactly what I wanted.

"Rias why are you in my bed? Actually to be exact in my home?" I asked as calmly as I could because at this point I could feel the fire starting to rise and I could accidentally burn her.

"I actually wanted to talk to you about this afternoon" she said shyly

"If it's about joining your club I'm sorry but even if I'm staying I have no intention of joining." I said bluntly.

"That's not what I'm talking about" she said

I then turned toward her to see her. She was wearing a see through nightgown had on a black bra and I dared not look under the covers.

"What are you here for then?" I asked

As soon as I asked that I didn't even have the time to react as she got on top of me and straddle me down. When I looked up at her I could see her crimson hair catching the moon light her green eyes shining. I was in a trance until she said something that totally caught me off guard.

"Natsu I want you to make me your mate" she said with pure confidently

I looked at her for a moment confused about what I was just told. Don't get me wrong I would love to have a woman like Rias be one of my mates but this doesn't add up. What's with the sudden change of attitude?. Wasn't she embarrassed to even get a mark on the neck like Akeno.

"Rias I'm not opposed about you being one of my mates. I would actually love it but I have to ask. What's with the sudden change?" I asked as I was curious

She looked down at me sadly before leaning down towards me.

"I-i don't want to talk about it. I want you to help me forget about it. Make me yours and no one elses! Please!" She whimpered

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