New Day, New School, New Friends

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Natsu P.O.V

It's sunny and bright day. The sun gleaming through the window onto my face as if a wake up call for me to get up and start my new day.

Natsu:Ughhhhhhhh. I groan
I just moved to Kouh to start my new life here away from my past and the the things that are a threat to me. Today is my first day at my new school Kouh Academy. To be honest I'm kinda nervous. As when I checked the school out i felt lingering traces of magic. It was faint but it was there. I get up to take a shower. Once done I get dressed in my uniform and grab my phone and keys and walk out the door.

As I start walking to school I put on my headphones and put on some music.
-Time Skip-
I made it to school and looking at it now the school is pretty big it looks elegant. As I stare at the school in awe someone bumps into me.

???: Aye watch were your going!!! He said as he gained his ground. I just looked at him questioning his logic.

Natsu:This dude just bumped into me and is asking me to apologise? Yep I made a mistake well whatever just take it.i said to myself.

Natsu: Awh sorry about that I'm new to this school .I said while rubbing the back of my neck

Issei:Oh well I'm sorry for my outburst earlier my name is Issei Hyoudo and I'm a second year here. He said as he held out his hand for me to shake. I looked at it and took it and gave it a firm shake.

Natsu: Natsu, Natsu Dragneel. I said with a big toothy grin appearing on my face. As I shook his hand I felt a presence. A familiar but faint presence. As I released his hand he looked at me with a smile.

Issei: Aye Natsu want me to show you to the student council office? He asked and then It hit me I need to get my schedule.

Natsu: Sure if your not busy. I'm really lost here I don't even know where to look. I said while once again scratching my head from embarrassment. He lead me to the school entrance and we went inside. I was astonished at the sight inside. It looked like the inside of a castle so grand and clean. I almost thought I was back in heaven inside the sanctuary. To bad that's gone would of been a nice place for the future angels.

Issei: Welcome to Kouh Academy. He said as he had his arm open as if he was presenting something grand. And grand it was

Natsu: This place looks Nice. I say while looking around. There were alot of people inside and in groups. Either it be just talking or Studying for the upcoming class.

Issei: Come on so I can show you where the council is. He said

We started walking up the stairs and down the hallway as we reach a door that says student council.

Issei: Well here we are. He said as he turned towards me. I Gotta go to class I'll see you later Natsu.

Natsu:Thanks Man and yea I'll see you later. We shook hands and he left to go to his class. As I stood infront of the door I smelled around and a certain scent caught my attention. It smelled like a devil but the crazy thing is that it was coming from infront of me. I took a breath in and out and opened the door. When I looked inside I was looked upon two girls that looked at me. I stared at them in awe as they both were pretty cute. There was one with a short black hair and Violet eyes that were complement of the glasses she had on. She had silk white skin and it looked smooth to the touch. The other girl had Long black hair that stoped at the middle of her back and glistened in the sun. Her eyes were a slight different color than the previous girl but they still held beauty in them. She also had smooth silk skin. I then stop staring and walked into the room and closed the door behind me still getting stares from the girls. I then turn around to them and greet them.

Natsu: Hey my Name is Natsu Dragneel and I'm new here and I'm here to get my schedule. I said as I finished with a big smile on my face.

The girls were still staring at me but I could see a light tinge of pink on their cheeks. As I stood there waiting for them to answer I smelled the air and smelled devil's. They were close I then moved my head around to see where the smell were coming from and it lead to the two girls infront of me. I was surprised to think that these to girls were the devil's that I was smelling. I then thought about the faint magic traces I found over the school and it made sense that there was with these two. I then shook the thought of anything other than that there maybe more or other races are here. I was then brought back to reality with a ahem.

???: Hello, sorry about that, I'm guessing you are the transfer student we received?

Natsu: Yep!I said with some excitement in my voice that surprised the girls. My name's Natsu, Natsu Dragneel. I said with a smile

Sona: Well hello Natsu My name is Sona Sitri I'm the Student council president and this here is Tubaski she is the Vice President.

Tubaski: Hello she said as she looked away. I could of swore I saw her cheeks were pink.

Sona: Well Mr.Dragneel how about we play a game of chest while we wait for your schedule to arrive. She said as she came around the desk and stood infront of me.

Natsu: Sure I would love too my dad taught me how to play. I said as i looked at with a big smile on my face. Which caused her to blush a bit

Sona: That's great let's get started she said as she clapped her hand together.

-Time Skip-

I had the upper hand the whole game but I have to admit that Sona is a great opponent she almost got me but I managed to get back the hand. A couple of minutes pass and then I see something strange happen to the board. I notice some of my pieces are gone and she got some of hers back I then look at the board intently. I see that there's an illusion covering the board I then look at Sona with a questioning look

Natsu: Aye question. I say as I look straight at Sona

Sona: What is it? She said as she looks up at me

Natsu: Why are you using magic? When I said that both Sona And Tubaski Face lit up with the most surprised looks on their face. I then clear the magic and take her king Checkmate! I say with a grin on my face and her piece in my hand. I then see my schedule is out of the printer Before she could say anything I stood up leaving the king piece on the table and walking to the printer. I grab the paper and make my way to my seat and grab my things. The two girls were clearly stunned that I discovered there magic and that I won without a hassle. I then walk to the door and open it but before i walk out I turn my head looking at the two girls.

Natsu: I enjoyed my time with you two cuties but I think it's time for me to go to class I'll see you around I said with a grin on my face. Before those two could say anything I walk into the hallway and start heading to my class

Sona P.O.V

Sona: Did I just hear and see things Tubaski?

Tubaski: What we saw and heard are most definitely real she said as we just look at the board. That man just broke my illusion with just a stare. He didn't even cast anything nor did he seem to be capable at magic but what we saw definitely denied all of my thoughts.

Sona: Tubaski is there any households with the last name Dragneel? I ask as I was curious this man looked like a everyday student but he was able to see through my magic and break through it with just a glance.

Tubaski: No Ma'am no one in the underworld has the last name Dragneel. She said looking in my direction

Sona: Well that's interesting I said as I then stood up and walked to the window and look outside. Looks like we found someone promising I said

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