The Redheaded Devil and a Dragon King meet

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Natsu P.O.V

As I was walking down the hallway I started to think about Sona and Tubaski. By their reactions I can tell they weren't thinking I knew about magic, neither that I can break it. So this really is a human school but why are two devil's here? They don't look like they have and malicious plan or anything. Well whatever they seemed pretty nice so I don't think they'll do anything.

As I keep thinking about the situation I made it to my class room and I knocked on the door knowing I'm late. The door opens and I'm faced with an old lady who seems to be in her mid forties and has pink hair with a bun on top, With a read cloak and clothes on.

Natsu: Umm Good morning I'm the new transfer student I said as did a bow

Ms. Porlyusica: Rule number 1 boy never be late for my class. Number 2 don't interrupt my class!! Understood??

Natsu: Yes ma'am!!! I said in total fear.

Porlyusica: Good now stay out here till I tell you to come in

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Porlyusica: Good now stay out here till I tell you to come in. She said as she turned around and started to walk back into her classroom closing the door. And I will say this that lady is scary

Rias P.O.V

As Class was starting we've all been told that there's a new student who just got transferred here and is coming today. Of course there was some gossip about this person like how he's smart or how he's from a prestigious family. The thing is I didn't mind those at all rumors are rumors after all you don't know if there real or fake.

Akeno: Hey Rias excited to see the new student she asked with a devilish smirk on her face.

Rias:No Not at all I really don't care who he is as long as he doesn't bother me I'll be fine. I said as it was the truth I don't need a man right now and even if I wanted one ,no one really peeks my interest in this school.

Akeno: Ara, Well let's see who this new student is shall we. She said as she licked her lips seductively. For a girl who plays it like that alot you'll be surprised she's still a virgin.

As we kept talking there was a knock at the door. Ms.Porlyusica walked to the door and opened it and walked into the hallway. After a couple of minutes she came back in and walked to her desk. As she walked to the front of the class we all paid attention to her, not wanting to get on her bad side.

Ms.Porlyusica: Now class we have a new student that just transferred here
And I would like you all to welcome him. You can come in now.

Natsu P.O.V

As I heard the signal i walked to the door and opened it and started to walk to where the teacher is. Once I was beside her I turned and faced the class. Of course the class was mostly girls with just about five to seven boys. As I scanned the class room my eyes came in contact with A Redhead who was staring at me as well.

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