I Fry A Cocky Chicken

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Akeno P.O.V

Me and the rest of the peerage was waiting for Lady Grayfia to return with Rias as she would be getting a visit from her supposedly future husband. Everyone else was confused why they were here as I was the only one who really knew what was going on. Rias doesn't want to be with the man as he already has a harem and basically treats all his girls as property. But her brother kept saying that it was because of the low amount of pure blooded devil's a which she couldn't fight back. She tried to find other solution to break off the marriage but they all failed. Now she is being forced into a marriage that will be loveless and terrible. As I was standing up Issei walked over to me.

"Aye Akeno do you know why we are all here?" He asked

"It's not my place to tell. You'll find out when Rias arrives" I said sadly.

He had a look of concern on his face before walking back to Kiba. I just stood there silent as this day was going to be the worst possible.

A couple minutes passed away until a magic circle appeared in the room. In a flash Rias and Grayfia were standing in the middle of the room. Grayfia moved towards a corner near the book shelves as that's where they would coming in from. Rias was just looking at the ground sadly. Issei walked up to her slowly.

"Aye Rias what's wrong? What's this all about?" He asked.

Rias didn't respond she only lifted her head up and looked in my direction. She walked towards me and leaned down to my ear.

"Natsu said if you think we are in need of him or are in trouble just summon him" she whispered.

"So you got him to join?" I asked as Natsu made it very clear he didn't want to join.

"No I didn't but he said he will help us" she said perking up.

"Well I'll keep that in mind. Why don't you go and sit on the couch and relax. Your obviously tensed up." I said.

"Yeah I will thanks" she said as she left to go sit on the couch.

If Natsu agreed to help us doesn't that mean that I can summon him like a Familiar. Well at least I have permission to summon him if things get out of hand here. Just as I was thinking a Portal open up in front of the bookcase. A bunch of girls came out of it first then finally the man himself.

"Welcome Lord Riser " Lady Grayfia said.

She slightly bowed to him and went back to her post in the corner. The man was at least Natsu height or taller. He had Blond hair and A suit on.

"Riser has come to meet his beautiful fiancee." He said as he licked his lips looking towards Rias.

"Hey who is this Guy??" Issei asked as he had a look of admiration and anger in his eyes.

"This is Lord Riser, Heir to the Phoenix household and Future husband of Rias" Lady Grayfia said.

"Im not marrying him!!! and be sure to let my Father and Brother know that!!!" Rias Screamed.

"Oh Rias,Riser knows you want him." He said as he made his way to the couch and sat near her.

"I don't want some objective man who is a massive perv and will treat me like and object now get away from me you creep." She said as she stood up and went to the other couch.

Riser Peerage made their was over to Riser and surrounded him.

"You have no choice but to accept Riser. Riser is sure to treat you right and give you never ending pleasure" he said while licking his lips like he was looking at prey.

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