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Hey guys Lupus here✌️😋,

So first thing first, thank you all much for the views and comments 😭😭😭.
It means so much to me as this is my first actual fanfic that I posted, knowing so many of you guys like it just pushes me to continue the book even if I sometimes forget about it 😅😅😅. But thank you all

Now second thing is about writing. As you guys can see I dont have to best Narration and that's because I don't have a script or reference for my stories. I just make it up on the go and the problem with that is I think so fast that I miss some words or something. I also don't read over my stuff unless I'm making sure the pictures or videos are in the right place so yeah definitely got to do that more. But at least you guys know what I'm trying to say 😅😂.

Also I want to make one thing clear. I'm fine with comments. Your probably like, Lupus what do you mean. Well I'm fine with comments, whether they be negative or positive.
I just find negative comments as help to get better. Of course there's some that just purely hate, but what can you do people are going to hate and this wolf can take it. Also I don't mind advise. It just helps me adapt my stories to you guys liking so go ahead if you want.

Now I would like to explain something. As you guys can tell this story is due for some chapters. I of course know that as it is on its 8th chapter while my other is on its 12th. I will say this I have not abandoned this story. I really like my first book and I would like to see how far it can go. It's just I've been having some other ideas for other books so I decided this. I will start my third book somewhere this week. Also I will not make anymore books before these 3 are finished so you guys can get updates from your book. So yeah keep a lookout for my new book.

Anyway that's all I have for today. If you have any questions or comments message me or comment.

Until next time, Lupus out ✌️😎

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