Save Me 13

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I put up my hand to stop leon Jr. from touching me. "Stop!" I yelled at him


"Why?" he smiled at me still reaching for me.

I backed away with my bag in tow in the other hand. He moved forward and looked down at my bag and back up to my face. Leon Jr. was close to my height, but a tad shorter.

"Going somewhere?" He asked. "Or are you coming with me?" as if he was giving me a choice.

I raised my eyebrows at him as he tried to grab my bag from me. I pulled back farther from him.

"No, I am going on a trip to a conference." I lied to get him off my back. I tried to hide the fear out of my voice. I felt myself begining to shake in fear. He kept reaching out to touch me.

A horn sounded. I jumped at the sound. Looking right I seen Noah? He looked in my face and knew immediately that I was in trouble. I had that "save me" look on my face. He parked on the street, and jumped out of his truck with a quickness.  

Don't worry man I am here to take her to her destination." Noah said as he towered over Leon Jr. in a threatening manner.

Leon looked up at Noah and backed off. "I wasn't aware that she was going leave with a strange man."

"He isn't a strange man. He is my driver," Alisha said hurriedly.

She was worried that Leon Jr. wasn't going to back down. To her surprise Leon Jr. looked away and scratched his head under his cap and frowned.

"Call me when you get back home."

I looked at him like he was a complete nut. I didn't say anything. I walk/ran to get in the truck with Noah.

Noah started his truck and drove off.


After about twenty seconds of silence. I looked at him. Grateful I said, "Thank you back there. I was afraid what might have happened to me.

Noah slowed down but kept driving. "You looked like you wanted to get away from him. Is there any place you want me to take you?" He looked at me to see tears spill out of my face. I was so scared and so emotionally drained that I didn't notice that I was crying.

I said, "Take me out of here. Even if it is just a little while."

We drove for about 15 mins and he stopped at a restaurant. I sense that I would need to talk to this man about my problem. I know that he will listen and understand. His eyes held kindness and gentleness that I have never felt with a person other than my beastie Damian.

In the restaurant Noah pointed to a booth kind of far from the door near a fern plant  for semi-privacy. I sat across from him. I folded my arms across my chest in a defensive stance. He read my posture and looked at me quietly waiting for me to explain.

A waitress came by and winked at Damian asked if he wanted something to eat. He asked for two lemon waters and asked her not to return until we wanted to order. She walked away in a huff.

He was irritated with that sexy dressed server, but he still waited on me to talk. I was going to give him a hard time, but he did just save me from that crazy ass Leon Jr.

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