Leon Jr.'s Plan 9

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A/N-I am not feeling him at all.

Leon Jr.'s POV

Leon Jr. watched his father Leon Sr. sit up in the bed in his hospital room gaze out of the window. He sighed, "I got in touch with Alisha, she is looking forward to our reunion. I am also looking forward to our wedding dad!"

Leon Sr looked at his son and smiled and whispered, " She would make a lovely addition to our family. Do what you have to do to get her fall in love with you. I got Shantel on my side."

I nodded with a smile on my face. I really want Alisha to be with me for now on.

He left from the room to make a call. The phone rung three times before a soft spoken woman's voice answer the phone. "Can I help you?" He shuddered with glee hearing the woman's soft inviting voice.

He licked his lips in anticipation before answering, "Can you help me dear?" He heard silence. He kept going knowing he had her full attention. "I was told that I can have you now..." He heard his phone beeped. Damn, she hung up the phone. "Was she happy to hear from me?" He asked himself with a low chuckle.

Leon Jr. Had been overseas in. Laos, Vietnam with his mother's side of the family. His dad was stationed over there for 3 years. He comb through his hair with his fingers before placing the ball cap on over the loose curls. He walked out in the night. He wanted to get back home as soon as possible to make arrangements to meet with his soon to be wife. Leon didn't like the fact that his father had already tainted his sweet Alisha. He would have preferred that she never had been touched by any man.

He thought as he walked, that he was going to punish his old man after he gets his love home. He pulled a picture of Alisha in a blue dress out of his wallet. He kissed the photo. "Soon dear, we will be together soon," he breathe unto her photo. He disappeared in the night of the town.

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