He grabs her lunch by mistake. She spears him a glance and stopped him from taking her food. He looks into her cold brown eyes and have been thinking about her since. Alisha couldn't help to wonder about that smiling boy wonder, not to mention those...
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I woke up with a start, from noises coming from the living room. That's right Damian watched over me last night with Lucy the slugger. I drew the warm blankets over my head trying to catch a few more winks. "So much of that happening, Bitch." Damian said as he sauntered in wearing a flowing red robe with matching scarf.
"What the hell, Queen?" I frowned as Damian pulled back my bedroom curtains to let natural light filter in my bedroom.
"You got a 10:30 with Mr. Martin and we are also hosting a food drive the channel 6 news is interviewing you today. So that means you have a very full schedule." Damian whipped out her her thin pin-stripped black, grey and white pants suit from the closet. He teamed it with a pale grey silky tied button down top. He grabbed the black two inch heel pumps while he was at it. He never gives me time to be angry but...
"Queen but why?? It's 7:30am??" I complained.
Damian let a slow smile grace his face. Those deep brown pretty eyes winked at me and he had the audacity to say.
"Im hungry. Can you fix me breakfast?"
"OMG. You woke me up for that shit?" I sighed loudly pulling the heavy blankets off of me." Damn, you make me want to beat the hell out of you!" I yelled marching in the bathroom.
"Love you too, Bitch." Damian said softly as he hopped out of the room.
I looked up from my documents. I see Mr. Martin knock on my glass door. My eyes surveyed him in his deep purple medical scrubs. He looking like he rose up out of a GQ catalog, Dr.'s edition. I felt my skin catch aflame at his smile and whole body fill up the door frame. Why am I noticing this man of all people? I shook my head. "Come in, you aren't interrupting. I was expecting you anyway." I said.
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(An-He isn't that type of Dr. Still it will work for this story)
His smile dropped to a sexy lopsided smirk as he sauntered in my office. He opened the folder and handed her a colorful flyer. "Oh really. Im glad that you are waiting for me."
His deep voice echoed against my ears and rumbled my stomach. I felt a moan come up from my chest. What in the world is this man doing to me... I shook my head again and somewhat snatched the paper from him. I watched his eyebrows draw together briefly in confusion. He cocked his head to the side. "Are you alright?" concerned.
"I'm fine. I think." I said in response. My anger subsided as quick as it started. "So it said here that you want to do a trial period starting Saturday at 12noon to 6pm. If it is a success you want every saturday for that time?" I carefully spoke while trying to understand my emotions. I was getting mad at the fact that I was attracted to him.
He smiled wide again, "That's the plan. I've also spoke to other clinics on this area to do pro bono work in their free time."
I nodded along in an agreement with what he was proposed. While he was chatting happily my mind wondered...wtf...