He grabs her lunch by mistake. She spears him a glance and stopped him from taking her food. He looks into her cold brown eyes and have been thinking about her since. Alisha couldn't help to wonder about that smiling boy wonder, not to mention those...
My father was given a court date and we had hired a criminal lawyer. It was Thursday evening. Damian was sitting one of the bar chairs in my small kitchen. I actually felt calm, and a little relieved for once in forever. I put the Roasted-Veggie lasagna on a cooling rack in the middle of the counter island in front of Damian. He then in turn took a picture and wrote up an article on snapchat about it.
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"OMG! Girl. If I wasn't a Queen myself. I would break protocol and marry you my damn self." Damian exclaimed loudly smacking his shiny lips.
"You are such a dramatic child," I smiled shaking my head, while putting a large cheesy slice of lasagna on my beastie's plate.
I grabbed my own plate and put a sliced garlic/parm baguette loaf on it. I poured us a glass of chardonnay. I sat down across from him. I said my blessings Damian had a mouth full offood, moaning and mess. I raised my eyebrows at this interesting sight. I closed my eyes. I said another prayer for my strange friend. I took a bite of my own food.
"Welp,"Damian said, looking like a chipmunk, cheeks full of bread. "How are things? How is your dad? What the fuck was your mom thinking? Are you going to try therapy?" He spit fired out the questions.
"Dang boy. One at a time. Damn!" I fired back putting down my fork." First of all, things are stable. Second, My dad is good. He hasn't spoken to Leon since Sunday. Thirdly, I don't know what my mom was thinking." Sadly I lowered my eyes and head as they filled up with tears.
A.N. I hope that I can finally make this woman happy.
"What did I ever do to her was to be born!" I found myself crying all over again. Damian got off the stool and walked around the table and pulled my head to his chest, while patting my head to calm me down. I was so hurt, to realize that my mom only cares about herself. Damian rocked his body side to side holding me while humming. He always knew how to comfort me. He would make a great mom.
I wiped my face and pulled out of Damian's warm embrace looking up at him to whisper that, "I need to find a therapist."
"I will look one up as soon as I get to the office tomorrow dear." He stated with his kind and caring heart. This is why Damian is my Beastie. I got 6 siblings and I can't get any support from them. They would beat my ass for mom. I am the unimportant middle child. Me and Damian watched Girls Trip on Netflix. Tiffany Haddish is funny as hell. I wiped my eyes from laughing too hard. Damian got up to get some cold ice water from the fridge. I paused the video to wait for him to come back.
My phone rang at that moment. Heavy breathing reached my ears. "Hello?" I answered. "Can I help you?" I asked again in my no nonsense voice this time.
"Can you help me dear?"the voice whispered. "I was told that I can have you now." The masculine voice trailed off and then hung up the phone. I was not happy with that call. I called Damian to tell him what was going on. He decided to go home to get some clothes to stay over a couple of days for protection. He had Lucy, his handy dandy Bat, for the unlucky person that wants to cross the threshold of my home. I also called the police, they wanted to put a order of protection on me and a restraining order on Leon.