He grabs her lunch by mistake. She spears him a glance and stopped him from taking her food. He looks into her cold brown eyes and have been thinking about her since. Alisha couldn't help to wonder about that smiling boy wonder, not to mention those...
"I am an orthodontist, I own all of the Martin and Martin Dentistry all over town. The other Martin is my mother. Janice Martin. I would like to render a free service on Saturday for patients namely your clients to get teeth cleaning and other needed work for free." He finished smiling at his own "Good deed".
He is so full of himself she thought, but that was a good idea. She took down his info along with his number. Now she was thinking. Now how did he find me. "How did you find me?"she narrowed her eyes suspiciously at him.
"Me and my mother had been talking and she know everyone doing positive things in the neighbourhood. She gave me your address. I came. I didn't know it will be you in particular!" He said with honest eyes. She let it go.
"I also have an office just one block away from this place, to make it easier for people to get there. Should I make flyers for your office offering pro-bono work?" He offered. "Well you can, that will help with advertisement to get to the people in the community, that may need this service." She suggested the first and 3rd Saturday walk-in. First come first type of service. Her mind jumped on the idea to help him keep from burning himself out. They talked about this for about 30 more minutes. He promised to call later or the next day with his flyer.
For the rest of the morning Alisha received clients new and old needing help for one reason or another. One of her long time clients showed up with her brother. She needs him to help because she was vision impaired. Vicky was about 55 and lives with her brother. Her husband family kicked her out when she lost her sight. I helped her find her brother, James, and he made Vicky move in with him. Alisha was happy that Vicky was back today with her brother. Vicky sat down and asked for my hand.
"I just came today to give you something dear." She smiled really sweetly at Alisha.
"I can't take anything from my clients, Ms Vicky." I said rubbing Ms Vicky's hand. Patting my hand with her other hand. She smiled and told me, "This isn't a gift. It is a donation. You have helped me find my brother and I got on my feet. This is to help more people." Tears shone in my eyes. I accepted the donation. Ms Vicky left the office.
I opened the envelope. I gasped with my hand on my mouth those tears spilled over. Ms Vicky gave the organization a Ten million dollar check. I sat down fast. I called Damian to the office. Damian was in a fighting ninja stance.
" What happened! Where he at. I will beat that ass!!" "Hold up home skillet! Ain't going to be no battle here!" I yelled laughing.
"I wanted to show you our donation from Ms. Vicky!" She told him slightly out of breath and from laughing at her crazy ass friend." I need you to deposit this in the organization's account." She told him calming down. Damian looked at the check. Danced around the office shouting like they do in church. He just need an organ and drums.
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Won't He do it!!
Alisha was clapping at her friend's shenanigans. Laughing out loud. Damian finally composed himself. Grabbed his coat and went to the bank. Alisha decided to go Island Cafe for her favorite salad. Today was a blessed day so far.