He grabs her lunch by mistake. She spears him a glance and stopped him from taking her food. He looks into her cold brown eyes and have been thinking about her since. Alisha couldn't help to wonder about that smiling boy wonder, not to mention those...
"Hello?" I answered my phone not knowing who was calling me after 7pm.
"It's me, Noah." Noah's voice was a low growl in my ear. "I was able to get the flyer printed. I can email it to you, or I can take it to Kinkos to get it printed off for you. How many copies do you need? Alisha?" Noah's voice had me stuck for a moment. Wow, I could listen to his Barry White sounding voice all night.
I shook off my daze and answered, "It's ok. You can get it printed off. That would help tremendously. You can have it here by Monday at 8:00am?"
"No problem. Ms. Martin. I will enjoy working with you from now own. I wish I can be of more help to you..." He trailed off waiting on me again. I just realized that he changed my last name but I was too sleepy to fight him on it. I reminded myself to talk about it later.
"I'm sorry. I am really sleepy. I usually have to be a work at 5:00am on Fridays. We host some of our clients somewhere in the city to sleep. I stay and watch at first Methodist Baptist Church in North Cleveland. We are in charge of Breakfast and fixing bag lunches that day. So I am really tired Dr. Martin." | explained in a sleepy voice. "No problem. Get some sleep. I will see you at 8am sharp Monday." I think I heard him smiling on the phone. I yawned loudly, "Take care." Hanging up the phone. I drifted off to a deep sleep.
"Stop don't touch me." Leon my dad's friend pressed his hand on my cheek. Then closed his hand over my mouth. I couldn't scream. I pushed at his hands. He was too strong. I started to cry. He leaned in to my ear his hot breath smelling of alcohol.
Whispers, "I know you want me. You always walk around in short short and those spaghetti strapped shirts. You got a cute little body. You want me to touch you."
I shake my head no with all my might. I don't understand. He reaches up and rip off my shirt off my body. I moan twisting to yell help. I bolted up out of my bed. Sweat was dripping off my face. I'm screaming from the top of my lungs. "Stop. Somebody help me!!!"
I wiped off my face when I realized that I was in my own place. In my own bed alone. I was having another nightmare. That seems like it won't ever end. I pull my legs up to my chest and cry myself to sleep. I woke up later that morning hearing my phone ring. It's my dad.
"Hi daddy." I answered softly.
"Hello doll baby." What he always calls me. "The reason I've called. Sunday is Easter and I was wondering if you would come for dinner this year. Everybody will be here, your mom your sisters, brothers, and the grands. I need to see you this year. It begins at 3 after the Easter Egg Hunt." He gives me a list of things that they want to do this year.
"I will try Daddy." He didn't push the issue anymore. We hung up after goodbyes. I decided to stay in my house clothes, because I was staying home all day. I cleaned up my one bedroom condo.
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Alisha's Condo
Damn, I really think I should lay out this Easter. I've stopped coming after I went to college 12 years ago. I guess it is time to start to face my demons. I need to talk to daddy in private.
I dressed in a 3rd quartered sleeve pale blue dress for Easter, and black heels. I didn't want to go to church, because everyone and their momma show up on Easter just to show new clothes. I thought shaking my head. I decided to go for dinner. My parents live in a suburban cul de sac. Large old trees line the street. Quiet neighbourhood, where our house, my old home, sit at the bottom of the hill. I pulled up in my 2017 Kia Sorento. I am still going to buy my dream car one day. What day it is? I don't know. I stepped down out of the small SUV, it wasn't really cold. Spring has arrived I hope. My dad seen me from the door, he now fully grey with a full moustaches almost completely covering his mouth. I always thought it tickled when he gave me a big kiss on the face. He smiled widely, and opened the screen door to let me in. His large arm wrapped around my shoulder to give me my kiss on the face.
"Hi daddy!" I chimed glad to see him.
"Hey doll baby" he returned." I am so happy you can come today!" He spoke in his booming vice. All was sitting in the dining room and looked up at me. Oh no, all got up and grabbed me in a hug. I guess I have been away too long. Mom was still in the seat looking not so happy. I guess she is still angry at me for turning down her bosses' son Alan. Alan was sweet, but I didn't want a relationship with him. She will be alright.
I looked over and Leon was sitting and just looking at his plate. He was much older, bowled over like he was going to croak anytime from now. I still froze in my step. I looked at him till he looked at me with a lustful gleam in his eye. Yes, I was still afraid of him. Everyone sat down and waited for me to claim my seat between my older sister. She is 2 years older than me and my younger brother who is 3 years younger than me.
I very carefully without looking at Leon, sat down to eat dinner. My mom is an Executive Professional Chef. She is now a Personal Chef now that she stopped cooking full time, but her food was always on point. I didn't taste a single bite. I didn't realize what was being served. I was trying to get finished. Leon said something to my father about me like why is she here? My appetite left me, I asked to be excused from the table. I went to the bathroom. I washed my shaking hands. I tried to reason with myself to go back to the table. I really needed to talk to daddy. My dad actually showed up to the bathroom to knock.
"Is everything alright doll baby?"he was concerned.
"Yes daddy." I called out. I heard him leaving the hallway. I jumped out of the bathroom. If I didn't do this now than nothing never will be resolved.