Find Her! 17

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Leon's Jr. POV

My dad got out of the hospital from the stomach wound from my father-in-law. Alisha haven't called me and I sent her multiple messages over the past 3 days. I went by her office. Mr Jackson kept saying she wasn't available, but they have other social workers there. "I want Alisha!" I yelled at that dumb ass man.

Damian looked over his glasses at him. In his most professional tone. "Ms. McFadden is at a convention. Her earliest time to come back to the office will be in a about a month."

"She is choosing to go on her vacation then." Damian lied. He had the feeling that this man need to stay away as far as possible.

"I will return in 6 weeks." I turned from that idiot behind the desk. If that guy lying, I will come back a kill his ass. I thought to myself as I walked over to the street. I decided to catch a taxi.

Dad: Spoke to her yet.


       Jr.:On my way back, no!

Dad: She can't be far.

       Jr.:I am pulling up to the house now.

I slammed the door after paying the driver. Walked into the house. Really pissed at Alisha. I want to bring her home. She is my wife. She was given to me.

My dad watched me walk in the room.


"Dad you looking suspect. What's going on."

"Well, I just found Alisha. I hired a PI to search for her and find her. She is like 45 min outside the city in the suburbs parks playing with some kids alone."

With a smug look. Leon Sr. Handed him the photos that was taken just today.

Leon Jr. poured over the photos. Happy as can be. "There is my baby, but she is with some kids."

"Can you have her followed? We can ambush her when she is alone?"I asked almost impatiently.

"I am working on that right now. The PI will be calling me with the coordinates of her location." He was typing on his laptop talking with his eyes and ears on the situation.


Alisha was in the park at one of the basketball courts. Wearing a Celtics basketball unofficial uniform. She was teaching the boys a classic layup.

 She was teaching the boys a classic layup

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The ball was nothing but net. She ran and caught the ball. Did a jumping layup. Kaiden caught the ball and tried the same move. He needed to throw his body harder to get the shot in. He hit the outer rim.

Ah! You will get it in no time. These are regulation goal heights from the NBA." She clapped her hand encouraging him.

Laden was watching from the side lines messing with Kaiden. "Hey Kay, what makes you think those flappy noodle arms are strong enough."

"Shut up Lay, Ms. Alisha said I can do it."

"Yep you both can if you put your mind to it." Alisha smile stopped the argument between them.

Just then Alisha looked up and seen a large camera trained over to where they was just playing. She felt she was being watch by that inconspicuous character in a thin black jacket and dark shades.

Shit she cussed softly. She tried to act like she wasn't alarmed by it. The boys are smart. Laden frowned at Alisha's changed mood.

"Ms. Alisha?" Kaiden asked. He had felt it also.

"Come on boys lets go home. I want to have an early start on dinner." Alisha grabbed the ball and their jackets and walked over to Noah's white Mercedes

" Alisha grabbed the ball and their jackets and walked over to Noah's white Mercedes

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She looked around while the boys buckled into the seat. The man was no longer there. She picked up her phone and messaged Noah and Damian at the same time


Me: I am being stalked.

Noah: ... Head to my office. It is a chance that you are being followed act like you don't notice anything.

Queen: ... Alisha be careful. I am calling the cops to patrol around both offices.

Alisha: ... I'm coming now.

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