🎄❄️Christmas Special!!! ❄️🎄

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More info at the bottom and prompts are still open!
Polyamory Generals x Reader

Key :
Mixed font is meant to be all of them talking

"I don't know! I just thought that they might like a Venus flytrap or heck, maybe even a hamster!"

"Why would we even give them a hamster or a dangerous plant?!"

"One, Venus flytraps are just wildly misunderstood! Second, why not?! Hamsters are cute!"

"A hamster for lunch sounds kinda good right about now..."


"What are all of you screaming about?"

The three quarreling generals turned around to see their tired roommate and partner, who looked like they were the undead.

They noticed that they might of awoken the latter with their bickering but started to panic since they might of overheard their conversation. In truth, the five generals were discussing what to get for their roommate, who had helped them all settle near the coastal mountains of Ninjago.

They had sent Skales and Pythor to get groceries as well as offer any ideas from what they see there. It seemed that finding the perfect gift for Y/N would prove much harder than they thought.

They stumbled upon finding a good excuse but the only one they could think of is :

"A hamster for lunch, sounds delicious! Don't you agree?"

This made you extremely suspicious of the trio but you were too tired to question nor stop their antics so you let it go.

As soon as you left the room, all three generals breathed a sigh of relief as the two absent generals bursted through the door. It nearly scared them out of their scales if it weren't from a loud hush from Pythor as well as the one walking down the hall.

It took them a moment to calm down before swarming around Skales and Pythor, pleading that they found some clues or hints towards Y/N's gift.

"Well gentlemen~ I found us a nice movie for us to watch and Skales seems to have found the solution to our... gift problem!"

All generals focused on the movie Pythor pulled from one of the tote bags, seemed like a romantic comedy but they didn't have a better idea so...

"Anyhoo, Skales~ What did you find about giving our sweet Y/N a gift?"

They all gazed at the blue scaled snake who was nervously fidgeting with his claws. Obviously, whatever Skales wanted to tell them was either highly controversial, stupid, or a bit of both.

"W-well, I was thinking... why don't we each give them something more tailor made to what they like and perhaps... put our own personal twist to it..?"

There was a chorus of murmurs and whispers before deciding that it was the best plan of action especially since Skalidor wanted to show his love by firing himself out of a cannon.

They made sure to clarify the rules just in case someone decided to bring in a particularly dangerous gift or stunt.

"Alright, now that everyone knows the rules, off we go!~ Oh, and Acidicus... no animals please."

"It was one time! How was I supposed to know they were killer bees?!"

Everyone shuddered. They all remembered the one year where Acidicus tried to gift Y/N bees since he thought they could grow a honey farm for the household.

NEWS FLASH! Acidicus' plan did NOT work and the lot ended up getting stung more instead of extracting honey. Thus started the household ban of killer bees.

As the five generals split off to make and find their gifts, a certain someone was preparing their gifts for them as well.

Oops, this was supposed to be posted yesterday XD
Thank you to everyone that has read this and I hope you have a happy holiday! Prompts are still open but I might be replacing the Christmas prompts with New Years prompts.

Anyways, comment below if I should continue this into a part two! Hope you have a lovely holiday and week!

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