First encounter

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First Encounter

If we're being honest...

You had absolutely no idea why you were brought here nor needed.

You had apparently been called by your old master/trainer, Wu to help in the Serpentine Crisis that had recently occurred. You thought this would be a fun break from your boring life of work to the life of an adventurer and possibly hero. But what you did receive, is much more than you bargained for...

It all started when you'd gotten a call from your old trainer, Wu at 2AM. You didn't know what you'd agreed to until you found him seated in your petite living room.

He often made some of the weirdest entrances but this...

This was kinda creepy.

According to Wu, you basically had to spy on and make sure that his nephew, Lloyd, didn't get killed nor harmed. Your bonus level was to make sure that you don't get spotted nor killed as well. Yet, his nephew decided to go to a serpentine tomb... just peachy, right?

End of Flashback

Now, let's begin and watch how your life changed for the better and for the worse.

You 'worked' as a explorer but you weren't apposed to being called a scientist either. You were fascinated by geography but your favorite places to explore were the icy peaks and the caves below. Though this adventure was not as pleasant as Wu made it seem.

The cherry on the cake was when Lloyd suddenly resurfaced, only to have a HUGE army behind him. Not only that, but they were hypnobrai. You were only a child during those times but fighting in the Serpentine War still gave you a shiver. Sadly that small shiver caused an icicle to drop from your little nook that you were hiding in.

Soon, all attention was focused on your exact location. The problem soon escalated to sneaking out of there alive since they were beginning to surround your hiding spot. You had to move quickly and quietly if you didn't want to be a mindless servant. That is, till you bumped into one of them...

As shock began to evaporate, you saw them about to tell the others, so in your defense, you took the opportunity to run and yell "I HAVE REGRETS!!! SO MANY REGRETS!!!" as you descended down the mountain. The lesson learned today... don't ever agree to any of Wu's favors anymore.

You worked as an anthropologist, being particularly fascinated by the culture of serpentine. It was your greatest pride and joy of your entire existence. Though this? You wanted to just go home and never go back out again.

As you mentally cursed Lloyd for being somewhat of an idiot, you failed to acknowledge that he had opened another tomb. Great Lloyd, just great.

Slipping into the tomb unnoticed was hard considering all the bones. WAIT A MINUTE... BONES?!

Even you thought that this was just wrong despite being into anthropology, but still, this was just gruesome. Though behind all that disgust, lied a deep sadness that resided ever since the Serpentine Wars. You weren't even that old back then but even you suffered great anger and sadness after all these years.

Sadly, despite all your precautions, your wandering made you accidentally trip on a bone. Shoot! You thought you heard them turn around to find what caused the noise but when you looked up...

You saw a huge snake staring right back at you with it's fuchsia eyes. Though the scary part was... IT WAS OPENING THEIR MOUTH TO EAT YOU ALIVE. As their mouth slowly got closer and closer with each passing second, you took the opportunity to bolt out the open tomb door to go back to the sanctuary of home. Next time, I'm not doing any favors for Wu or ever again.

You worked as a baker, having your own bakery and all. You also worked as a part-time musician, sometimes performing in your bakery for special occasions. You loved making shaped sweets, especially ones that resembled serpentine. Even though the serpentine fascinated you, you just want to stress eat for days in your bedroom now.

Following Lloyd was no trouble for you, it was figuring out why he was in a cemetery. A kid his age, certainly wouldn't hang around here unless he was a fan of horror. This place was even creepier with knowledge of the Fangpyres living there.

Fighting a fangpyre is much worse than getting bitten or seeing one. Being a small child, you were very scared of the serpentine and very meek. Though that was in the past and you soon grew to love the serpentine, you still didn't want to be here.

Sadly while you were reminiscing about the past, you failed to notice Lloyd opening a second tomb. Dang it, Lloyd.

You realized your location might be compromised so you decided to stalk back home and pick back up in the morning. Though you failed to realize a fangpyre behind you as you crept away from the tombstone you had hid behind.

Right as it locked eyes with you, you bolted out of the cemetery, going at a speed so fast, you thought that you were sprinting at the speed of light. That was too close for comfort, but I'm never helping Wu again!

You worked as an investigator as well as a geologist. You were fascinated by the gems as well as rocks of the Earth. You dreamed of seeing the rock that made the serpentine tombs but you knew that you could never see it, let alone study it. Until, a few days ago...


Why couldn't he just stop at one tomb? I know he only opened three tombs but still! He caused a butterfly effect that my teacher used to talk about, and I didn't even pay attention to that part of class!

You saw some ninja descend the mountain as you slowly climbed your way up. They nodded at you, knowing your mission as you proceeded to scale the mountain. Thank goodness that you joined the mountain climbing club in school.

As you descended the rope near the peak, there was a sudden tremor that caused you to lose balance and fall down into the mountain. As your eyes adjusted to the dim lighting, you noticed a pair of amber eyes staring at your meek form.

As it slithered closer to inspect you, you took a chance and climbed the rope as fast as you could. As you descended the mountain, you finally realized why people say it's faster than ascending a mountain but one thought was clear in your fear-ridden head. I'm so not helping Wu next time...

You worked as a biologist (mainly in marine biology) but worked part-time at a library for all the knowledge on the Toxic Bogs and the aquatic animals that reside there as well as a local bakery, mainly as a barista, of course. The mystery of the Toxic Bogs has been your life's work and finally solving it would make your life feel accomplished. But this was not at all what you were expecting...

Watching Lloyd was much harder than you thought. With all the serpentine tombs open, Lloyd was increasingly becoming more of a target with each passing day.

Along with keeping an eye on Lloyd, you also had to watch the serpentine. Great Wu, I really appreciate this 'extra credit'. Anyways, you watched as the other ninja were soon on a burning log in the swamps of the Toxic Bogs.

Seriously?! They can't even get out of that?! While you facepalmed at their planning skills, a shadow slowly loomed over your form until you heard the slight hiss of a snake. When you turned around, you saw the familiar 4 eyes and green scales.

Venomari!!! The same pain struck through you just as it did on the battlefields of Ninjago. Can you believe it? A small, naive child in one of Ninjago's worst memories.

As your reminiscing slowed, you saw the venomari about to spray their venom straight for your eyes. Lucky for you...

You had worn safety glasses.

As they recovered from their confusion, you had already bolted and made your way to your favorite boba place. The only thought on your mind being : Never EVER help Wu with any of his 'favors'.

A/N -
Hey everyone! This is the first chapter, updates might be slow due to school and work but I'll try and get these chapters done as soon as possible. Also, by the way, sorry if it's repetitive for some parts since I think my brain and my writing skills were going dry. If you have any requests, I'll be glad to write them when I have the time. Anyways, hope you have a nice day!

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