Becoming acquainted

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After your last escape attempt, you were guarded more heavily, the number of lowly soldiers dwindling. Soon, those lowly guards, were replaced by second-in-commands and generals.

Skales, especially, was ordered to watch your cell more often than you would have liked but eventually, since you knew that you weren't getting out of there anytime soon, decided to start a conversation.

One day, when he came by your cell to guard you like usual, you decided to start off by asking one simple question.

"So, Skales, right?"

He gave you a quick glance before turning his attention towards the hall again.

"Yes, what of it?"

Well, at least he actually talked to you. Alright, time to start an actual conversation or at least some small talk. The day's still young.

"What's your favorite color?"

Oh wow, he actually cared enough to turn around and look at you.

"Why are you even asking? You know you're conversing with the enemy, right?"

You thought for a minute then shrugged.

"I mean, I know I'm not getting out of here anytime soon so I thought that I might as well start some small talk so it wouldn't be so boring."

He scoffed and turned back around. Well, so much for small talk. As you faced the wall, feeling somewhat dejected, you heard him say.


You blinked twice and pinched yourself to make sure you weren't imagining things.

"I'm sorry, what?"

He actually had the time to turn around and face you for more than a minute. A new record. Though, he looked annoyed since he was practically glaring through your skull.

"My favorite color is silver. That's what you wanted to know, right?"

You grinned. He decided to answer the question so you supposed it could jump-start a conversation.

"Silver is quite pretty. My favorite color is (f/c). Anyways, do you have any hobbies?"

Soon enough, all that awkward small talk turned into a full-blown conversation. Who knows, maybe you could be friends. Then again, why did he have to be so snobby?

After your escape attempt failed, Pythor ordered all the generals to guard you and sent lowly soldiers to train or watch Lloyd. They also put, not one, but TWO vengestone cuffs on your wrist and ankle.

Two days after your excessive guarding, you tried to strike a conversation with one of the guards. They ignored you.

You needed to talk to somebody or else you were going to go insane. Therefore, next time Pythor came to interrogate you, you were going to attempt at small talk.

As you watched the Amethyst-colored snake slither in, you decided to run through some casual questions when the time arrived.

Another interrogation session later, you tried to jump-start a casual conversation instead of your usual 'interviews'.

Right when Pythor was about to leave, you decided to ask one of your most... humane questions.

"Hey, um, Pythor... do you... like reading or writing more..?"

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