Christmas Prompt #9 - Skalidor

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Requested by Marvel1Maiden

Skalidor x Pregnant!Reader

"Merry Christmas, Y/N."
"Merry Christmas, Skalidor!"

Today was the day that you were holding your Christmas party which also kinda acted as your second baby shower. Many of the attendees would surround you and congratulate you and Skalidor about the soon-arrival of a new baby.

The ninja, Wu, Nya, and the other serpentine all arrived at the party but unbeknownst to you, Kai managed to sneak in some alcohol to the party. You hadn't really paid much attention to his suspicious behavior and got a cup of eggnog just before it got spiked.

Skalidor, however, was not so lucky. Kai just finished spiking the eggnog when Skalidor came to grab himself one. The effect was almost immediate.

You didn't take notice until you felt something heavy leaning on your body. You turned around and saw the dopey smile of your partner. "Skali?"

You nudged him but he didn't budge. You nudged him harder, still didn't budge. "Skalidor" You said sternly. When he looked up, his dopey smile grew larger. Finally, he wrapped himself around you and nuzzled into your neck.

Let me just say... you were so confused right now. You knew Skalidor could be affectionate but not this affectionate. Though, you began to get even more puzzled when Skalidor kept mumbling about how happy he was to have a child.

"What's wrong with him?" You looked to the left to see four yellow eyes, all staring at the black snake curled around you. It was Acidicus, a long time friend of Skalidor as well as one of the best story tellers that you have ever heard.

"I don't know. He came back after going near the dining table but after that, he's been acting weird ever since."

As you looked back, you saw Skalidor talking, quite loudly in fact, about his joy for having a child as well as took account of how tight he was latching on. But after a few minutes of thinking, you had a hunch.

"Acidicus... can you check out the eggnog then 'report' back?" You could tell that he wasn't letting go anytime soon so might as well send someone to check for you. "Got it." And off he goes.

After a few more nuzzles and mumbling, Acidicus came back with a cup of eggnog. As the cup neared, I smelled a faint hint of Vodka and Whiskey. "So? What did you find?" He turned and said "Someone added alcohol to the eggnog."

What? But it was fine when you drank it... It seems Skalidor didn't get so lucky in his case, judging by how much closer and how much more he rambled on.

Wait, Kai was acting pretty suspicious, but so were the other ninja... well, you've always wanted to say this but at the time, it came out more aggravated despite the relaxing cuddles by your side.


Cue awkward shuffling from Kai

Extra :
"Ow... my head hurts so much. What happened?" Seems that your lover was finally sober. You had taken a bunch of photos and videos during his drunken state. Honestly, the photos were pure GOLD.

As you showed him the photos and videos, you saw a small blush creep on his face. The best blackmail in the universe. You couldn't hold back your snickers any longer as roars of laughters soon turned into painful gasps.

Thus, starts your three-hour cuddle session during the aftermaths of the party. You could do nothing but sigh as you turned on the tv to watch a movie with the gentle constrictai curled around you. Crazy night, am I right?

Hope you like your prompt, Marvel1Maiden! I had a lot of fun writing this prompt and sorry if it gets repetitive during some parts but hope you like it!

Don't be shy to send in requests/prompts! Have a great day!

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