You get captured

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It had been a few days since your run-in with the serpentine but you were still a little shaken from your close encounter.

It seems that Lloyd had become more of a target in the past weeks than ever before. I guess the serpentine were seriously ticked off with humans right now and Lloyd must be number one on their list.

And with the recent capture of Lloyd, it had soon became your job to get him back.
End of Flashback

You honestly had no idea on getting Lloyd. To be fair, you were just going to wing it. One problem though...

He was smack dab in the center of Ouroboros

You thought your plan of sneaking in when everyone retired for the night would give you enough time to save Lloyd then go to your favorite bakery. Sadly, your plan had a great idea but poor execution...

You got caught immediately

You questioned why you were helping Lloyd and Wu anyways after you alerted everyone of your presence when you accidentally tripped on the weapon shelf they used for Slither Pits.
The weapon shelf was so loud, I wouldn't be surprised if Ninjago City heard it as well. You first got captured by two hypnobrai scouts then you got taken to the generals. What did I do wrong? You began mentally retracing your steps to what went wrong in your plan execution.

Suddenly, you were snapped out of your thoughts after being pushed into a cold, dark, and pretty smooth room. The room seemed to be made out of some smooth sandstone or obsidian but it was too dark to tell. You wandered more and more into the room until you heard hissing.

It was coming from all directions

Then, you heard someone speak up and say "Should we eat them?" "Would they even make a meal?" "Enough! Why don't we question them, then decide?" It seems the British one was the leader for all you could hear. Suddenly, you were blinded by an array of torches along the walls and right in front of you, were the generals. One for each tribe, all staring at you.

Weirdos... Don't they know it's rude to stare at someone? Wait, do they even have eyelids? What if they can't even blink at all?!

"Hello? Child, what are you doing here?" When you opened your mouth, nothing came out. You were too excited to speak which made you shake uncontrollably as if you were freezing. To be honest though, you were still kinda cold. "Pardon? Can you speak?"

"I'm sorry! I'm just very excited to meet you! I've always wanted to meet the generals in person!" "Dear, the question..." You blushed furiously as you remember you totally forgot about his question. "A-apologies,I sometimes get carried away... anyways, yes, I can speak. Two, I'm here to get a friend's nephew which I'm assuming you captured."

"I see..." Uh oh, you shouldn't have said anything about Lloyd. The way he drawled that out did not help the swirling emotions you felt at that current moment. "That's all I need to hear... you will stay here until further notice." You only realize you were in a cell the whole time until the Anacondrai shuts the cell door. "Skales, I want you to keep an eye on them." "Yes, your majesty..."

You honestly thought you would be able to sneak in by shadow. You were very wrong...

Apparently, you thought that you were unnoticeable but you had no dark clothes to wear so you ended up having to wear your brightest hoodie/shirt. It stuck out so much that you were caught as soon as you walked into Ouroboros.

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