Escape Attempt

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*This is basically what your cell kinda looks like except the bars are wider*

Key :

You had finally memorized all the guarding patterns. The hypnobrai general supposedly named Skales would guard you in the early morning, Wednesday afternoons, and finally at twilight. Any other guards would monitor your cell during the times in between but the real opening to escape was at dusk.

You couldn't wait to get out of here. It was getting pretty boring in your cell. The guards wouldn't talk to you, they took your phone, and on top of that, they took your stress ball!

You made sure that you saved your hairpins after that and prayed that they didn't take your bakery gift card just in case the pins failed.

When you saw the opening, you began your escape. You were right, the pins failed you when opening the door but not on the vengestone cuff on your wrist.

They had put the cuff on your wrist, just in case you had powers or knew spinjitzu. Better safe then sorry, I guess.

As you stuck your tongue out while fidgeting with your card, you didn't notice the growing shadow of a snake, slithering closer with each minute.

As soon as you heard the lock click, you dashed out the cell door. AH HA! I'M FREE, NOW TIME TO SAVE LLOYD! Or so you thought...

You began running towards the exit until you suddenly tripped on a diamond blue tail. What the heck?! You looked behind you and immediately came face to snout with ruby, red eyes.

"Going somewhere, little one?"

Then you blacked out.

Honestly, it was getting pretty boring in here. You couldn't read, play a video game, or listen to music. Even worse, you couldn't report your location to Wu!

You began memorizing the guard shifts after the third day in. It was then at that moment, you found your escape.

Pythor would visit your cell in the afternoons to interrogate you then every other time was spent with lowly soldiers and generals. You're only opening without the most risk of failure was at twilight.

You didn't have your lock-picking kit with you so you made due with your gift cards and clothing pins. You're just surprised that they didn't take those away from you as well.

The minute twilight began, you got to work on unlocking the vengestone cuff and door. The pins came in handy with the cuff but not that much on the door. Now here was where the gift cards had their moment to shine.

The cell door creaked open at the last slide of your Starbucks gift card. Yes! I'm out, finally, I thought my legs would fall off. Anyways, time to find Lloyd!

That is till you bumped into someone. As you looked up, you saw the familiar fuchsia eyes and purple scales.

"Trying to escape, are we?"

At that current moment, you didn't have a valid excuse so you went with the first thought in your head.

"Uh... no..?"

Then your vision turned to shadow.

You needed to get out of here. You've been gone from the bakery and luckily, you found a way to keep your phone so you could text Wu as well your best friend, saying that you would be gone for three more weeks due to... family issues.

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