Prompt 23 - Acidicus

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"What are you making?"
Requested by Marvel1Maiden
Happy Birthday!

Acidicus x Pregnant!Reader

"Are you knitting?"
"Yes! I thought our baby would like a onesie but it turns out knitting was harder than I thought..."

You snicker at the dumbfounded look on his face, especially the onesie. The onesie, obviously, was rough around the edges : stitches were loose and there was what appeared to be a fifth sleeve.

Although, you have to say that you appreciate the effort that was put into it. At least, you were able to tell what it was.

Since, he was obviously not getting up anytime soon, you decided to make a snack for him and yourself. Pregnancy cravings, am I right?

You looked through some of your old recipes that you used to make when you stopped on a simple, nostalgic dessert.

Once you checked that you had all the ingredients, you got to work. Making the dessert was much harder since your stomach kept growling every time you added an ingredient.

A few frustrating knitting sessions later, Acidicus was soon stirred from his desk to the smell of anko*. As he slithered to the kitchen, he noticed the streaks of flour on the walls and floor.

He flicked his tongue out. The smell of anko with a mix of rice flour. It smelled delicious after hours of knitting. He slithered in to see your flour-caked face beaming at whatever was on the cutting board.

He peaked over your shoulder to try and get a better look but ended up getting elbowed in the face.

"Oh! Sorry Acidicus! I thought you were an intruder..."

Despite his irritating snout, he still found the urge to snicker at your goofiness. It was quite cute to see you so bashful, most of the time, it was him.

"It's quite alright... although, what are you making?"

There it is. That dopey smile of yours was beaming at him again. He watched you turn around and bring whatever you were making to his bruised snout. It looked... squishy...

"Ta da! It's daifuku! I used to make it all the time when I was younger, I thought it would help you while you were concentrating. Here, have some!"

It did look good... oh, what the heck? It wasn't like he was doing anything else. He opened his mouth to signal he was going to try it. You popped it into his mouth and snicker.

He was right, it was squishy. Chewing was a bit of an issue so he eventually gave up and swallowed it whole. It really was very delicious, maybe you could make some more...

"So? How is it?"

He looked down at your anticipating face. He smiled and poked your cheeks, something you found annoying but he found relaxing.

"It was delicious, do you think you could make more? Obviously without destroying our kitchen."

You giggled. It was honestly exhilarating with someone like Acidicus. Besides, you were going to make some more for yourself anyways. Oh well, sharing is caring... unless it came down to sweets.

"Of course, but I'm having some too!"

He smiled. Yeah, your child was definitely inheriting your sweet tooth. Hopefully, they won't get his knitting skills. Although, the future seems quite bright for the both of you, he couldn't wait to see what it may hold.

Writing this chapter made me want to go run and get some daifuku XD. Anyways, here some fluffy baking and crafting for Marvel1Maiden's birthday! This was meant to be posted earlier but I accidentally deleted it.

*Anko (red bean jam, etc.) is red bean paste (either sweetened or as is) usually used in foods and deserts like Anpan, mooncakes, and daifuku, etc.

Anyways, I'll probably be posting less frequently since my "vacation" is over. Anyhoo, I added new characters to the prompt board so hope you request!

Sorry if it sounds repetitive or doesn't make sense! Hope you enjoyed and have a great day!

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