Chapter 21

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Merry Christmas!! Happy New Year!! I originally was updating this on Christmas but hit a writers block. Welcome to 2021 and the end of TBTHL. TBTHL will be concluding sometime this year. Thank you guys so much for enduring my terrible update schedule and loving the characters that I have created. In many ways the characters are a reflection of my loved ones. Author update at the end of the chapter. I implore you to read after each side note of mine. I sometimes have included more story. :)

I spent my weekend thinking about the boys and my next actions. I've decided to have a talk with each guy individually to gage their feelings and truly make a decision. I am meeting up with Alex at the park.

"Hey, Beautiful."

"Hey, Alex." We quickly hug before I break it off. He lingers like he wasn't ready to break off the hug.

"So, what did you bring me for?"

"We need to talk. I was thin about the kiss over the weekend. I thought about you and Liam. I just need to know one thing. Do you actually love me, or just the idea of me?"

"Elaborate please."

"Like you've been swooning over me for years, but we have never done anything. How can you love me if we've never really done much? I just need you to explain your feelings to me."

"Annaliese, I have loved you because of your spirit and personality. You care so deeply and are honestly the best person I know. I love you because there is an undeniable attraction that I have felt and will continue to feel until I die. I love you for your smiles and your tears. I've seen so much of you over the years, and the more I have seen the more I love you. You aren't perfect, Annaliese, but your perfect to me. You're the best imperfect perfect person in the world. I love you, Anna. I just ask that you give me one chance to love you freely. Let me show you the depths of my love, and treat you like the queen you are. Let me love you, because I will always love you. Annalise, I love you." Alex creeps closer and gives me one kiss on my hand before bending on one knee. He holds my hand while asking, "Anna, will you let me love you?" His eyes sparkle with anticipation.

"I-I-I can't." His smile drops. "Well, I can't yet. I need to talk to Liam first before I decide what to do."

"I understand." He lifts up. "I love you, Annaliese." He leaves one soft kiss on my forehead before turning away in the night.

A silent tear slips down my face.

A/N: I have been thinking about writing a story or rewriting an old story of mine. The old story plays on Greek mythology but was written when I was young. If I write something new it would not be in the realm of TBTHL or TBTHNK. I am not one of those writers to do 7 spin-offs with every character and their love life. I do know how I will be concluding TBTHL, and if you're like my husband (he roots for one of our guys) you may be surprised. ((In a good way.))

I slowly trudged my way to Liam. I can only imagine how much worse his meeting will go. I see him sitting on a bench as I approach.

"Hey, Liam."

"What's wrong, Anna? You look like you've cried all day."

"I talked to Alex." His face fell. "I am confused now more than ever. That's enough about Alex though. I just need to know one thing from you. Why do you love me? Like you've only known me one summer."

"It may have been too soon to tell you that I love you. I understand we don't have time on our side, but I have felt this connection with you ever since I saw you in your grandparent's home. I have been drawn to you and I have wanted to be closer. Maybe it's not love yet, but it's something worth exploring." He grabs my hand.

"I need to think. I've got to go." I ran off into the night.

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