Coincidence (②)

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A young man once woke up on the beautiful winds coming from his open window one early morning.

He was one of the people who was thankful for everything he had.

Even though he always thought that something was missing in his life,

Not a person, not something valuable, something he forgot was just missing

This man was Kim Seokjin, a vocalist in the popular group BTS in South Korea.

It was the weekend that day, so it's a free day for people all around the country,

But it wasn't quite free for Jin.

He didn't have anything in schedule that day, but his friends did,

Of course , he's always with them.

They were going to stay late in a small hotel to celebrate the success of their new album.

"they planned quite a lot for one day" Said Jin to himself while Namjoon said out the plan for the day.

Jin wasn't a party person, he prefers to stay in a simple quiet place rather than having a party in a big house.

Of course he couldn't skip his album celebration.

All of his friends were in his house, because they knew that he might skip the party.

Namjoon was in Jin's room, telling him the plan while the rest were down stairs watching TV.

Jin didn't even have time to get up, he was stuck in the room, listening to Namjoon and his flowing list of plans.

"Andd the last thing is go to Jimin's house and have a sleepover there, any questions Jin?" Said Namjoon after finishing the long list.

"I can't believe you planned all this without me" Said Jin a bit disappointed.

"Well even if we had planned with you, it wouldn't make a big difference"

Jin thought a bit.

"You got a point there, I wouldn't even talk about it" Said Jin feeling regretful.

"Right, now you get up and get ready, today is a long day" Said Namjoon while getting up and slamming the door shut.

Jin wanted to spent a peaceful weekend, but as usual, he has plans.

Jin spread himself on the bed, and started thinking.

"There's something missing"

"I just don't remember it"

"It must be something important"

Jin was talking to himself.

Suddenly he found someone yelling on the street, his yelling was so loud that he heard it while the window was closed.

"Get your roses HERE!"


with that Jin opened the window to tell the man to quiet down.


Jin stopped when he saw the red roses in the man's hand.

"The roses"

Jin had remembered the garden he made years ago.

His mood changed almost immediately, he had remembered the thing he was missing.

He ran out of his room , washed, and ran down stairs like an idiot.

His friends we're shocked by their running friend.

"What's with the sudden running, kim" Said Yoongi quite surprised.

"Are we going somewhere near the end of the street today?" Asked Jin excited.

"I don't think so jinny boy" Said Namjoon reading the list.

Jin was very disappointed, he didn't want to forget were it was.

Jin POV :

I want to thank that rose seller, he reminded me of the garden I made years ago,

I got some old fence and made it into a small area with green grass, and decorated it with colorful flowers.
I was so happy with it until I got the job as an idol,

and I completely forgot about it.


Jin didn't seem excited at all when I read out the list for him, but for some unclear reason he got very energetic all of a sudden.

It's weird.

Writer POV :

They watched some TV, because it was still very early,
They laughed, they cried and had fun in Jin's living room.

But Jin was more focused on his garden, trying hard to remember it's details, it's beautiful roses and the small chair he put there, he almost remembered everything.

Little did he know that someone was thinking at the same time.

Young byulyi was in her bed imaging the garden too.

Both of them shared the same thought.

Roses Are Red ❀  { Jinbyul }Where stories live. Discover now