Cursed cousin (⑨)

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Moonbyul POV:

I TAKE BACK WHAT I SAID , I shouldn't tell anyone , especially WHEE.
I doubt that she'll shut up about it, the least she could do is tell the whole company, and I don't want people calling me to say "finally, our byul has a bOyfrienD" for the next two weeks .
Nope , not , and no that can't happen , and propably yongsun will faint, actually , yongsun is most likely to faint 20 times in a row .
It's so scary just thinking about it .
And there's a whole other problem , all of us are meeting next sunday , that means wheein gets to see it full HD .
yes and what i mean by "it" , i mean jin's awkwardness.
and if that happens , then my nightmare has just begun , yay.
How am I going to talk to him normally tho?, Oh now that's another problem on the list.
I seem like a 12 year old , why am I acting so dumb ?, slap out of it byul (slaps self*) .
You know what , imma just ignore everything and act normal.
Cuz I'm not going to write a full 7 day plan on how to talk to Jin.

Jin POV:

Soo, I didn't notice , but all of us are meeting next Sunday and it's currently Thursday.. based on my calendar that is .
And I highly doubt that byul is slightly panicking, just because I know her too well, AND SO AM I .
I didn't get the reaction I wanted which is a bad sign , A VERY bad sign.
And that my friend , is the biggest sign , meaning that i fucked up , as always .
I expect alot of awkwardness on Sunday, plus I expect a screaming wheein as well.
but whee might still fuss about it ,
Because she wanted this from the start lol.

Wheein POV:

Is it weird that moonbyul is refusing to go to the garden with me ? , Or am I just too stupid? , Maybe she's busy or something. anyways I'm not here to talk about byul , I'm here to talk about THE MOST TERRIFYING phone call I ever got .
first of all , even tho I didn't save the number, but right when it called , I almost immediately knew who was it.
Just because I have bad memories from that specific number for some reason .
I was told when I was really young, that there was a tall man that lived in my town , aka the country side , but the thing is ..
Every time this man went out of his house , he wouldn't close his front door , he would just leave it open .
And that's not the problem..
People who lived close to his house said that he would leave his house in the morning and then return at 2am the next day ..
Parents used to scare children by saying that he kidnapps all the children who don't sleep before 10 pm , and traps them in his house .
And to make him seem innocent , he left his front door open as proof to people , that he didn't kidnap anyone .
Ofc , people knew he was hiding something .
That's the story i was told .
I was sadly fooled by this story when I was young..
But there's no doubt that I'm still kinda fooled till now.
And apparently , this man is my cousin .
When I got older , I found out that he was my cousin , and I was shocked so badly ,we visited him because he lived alone , even tho his parents and his little sister all live in one house.
And I found out that the person I feared was actually a part of my family.
My parents never scared me from him , I was only scared from the stories my friends at school told me about him ,and actually, my family never talked about him at all, and I had to accept him as family , cuz family is family , no matter what.
Anyways when we visited him , he was really nice to my parents, but he wasn't nice to me apparently.
Actually till now he's never nice to me, like everyone.
It's been 5 years since I've talked or seen him, because he moved and we currently don't know anything about him.
But a few months ago , people started spreading a cursed number on the internet called "the countryside napper" , it was said that when you get a call from it , it hacks your phone and tries to find you location..
Of course I wasn't fooled by that one bit , until I discovered that this cursed number was a Korean number .
I began to get curious because I remembered my cousin immediately..
So I got the number from a website , and attempted to call it , like an idiot ..
But the number was unavailable for some reason , so I just thought it was a scam and forgot about it .
But today , that number called me this morning..
I literally had goosebumps and was so scared for my life , I don't know why, it's just scary.
When I left Jin and byul , I answered the number , just because I still thought it was fake not gonna lie tho.
When I answered , there was no one answering for some unclear reason, I kept saying hello but no one answered ..
Until suddenly , I heard a door getting slammed shut from the call, and I almost had a heart attack no lie, and I quickly hung up .
Then I turned of my GPS and made my phone on airplane mode, and called my cousin's little sister on my other phone, his little sister's name was lalisa , she lived with her parents and she's 1 year younger than me , she's also me and byul's best friend.
If you're asking what my cousin's name is, his name is jong-in , and unfortunately , his sister doesn't know anything about him or his current life , because he moved out out when Lisa was 16 years old , and guess what , he was also rude to her just like me.
Lalisa tried calming me down and told me that it's just an audio and it's not real , I was a bit calm after her call , actually there's nothing that scary happened..
But knowing that this person is actually real , not a made-up monster, is terrifying
I convinced myself that it's not real and went back to Jin and byul..

Promising myself that I'll never call cursed numbers again.


A/N :

So this chapter is a bit on the short side , but its because I might not upload in the next couple of days, so ya

I know the wheein part has nothing to do with jinbyul , but the countryside napper will be mentioned alot in the story.

Hope u like it !

(The script for this chapter was edited on 19/3/2021)

( LMAO , it was edited again 12/2/2022 , IM SRY OK ? I JUST CANT HELP HELP BUT EDIT )

|This part of the chapter is for old readers|
|And that means:

- if you're a new reader you can skip this (aka you read this story after the date : 19/3/2021)
- if you're an old reader , then I advice you to read this part of the chapter (bc it might affect the end of the story )


Hi everyone!

I know this is really weird but I'll try to wrap it up in a small sentence.
So I read my story again , and I hated how I wrote jin's confession to byul .
I bet alot of you guys did too.
So I'm sorry first of all , second of all is that I edited the chapters that have Jin crushing on byul (which did not exist) and I thought about it and said :

Wait , if edited it now , how will the people who read the chapter a long time ago know what I wrote??

And then I thought to do this :

- write this part in every chapter (to make sure everyone knows )
- to rewind what I wrote in the chapters I edited (because I'm not going to tell you guys to read the chapter again )



The rewind :

Jin likes byul every since he listened to fake love in byul's car when whee offered him to ride with them .
When whee thought she was teasing Jin and byul with the music...
She was wrong , because Jin kept thinking about the lyrics ..
And byul .
The chapter after that when Jin went to the garden alone , he talked to himself on how awkward it is when he sits with byul alone .
And said that byul was his crush and that he didn't want to mess up the confession and hence , ruin the friendship between them.
The day Jin had the courage to confess , he actually did it though , but he thought he messed it up because he didn't expect byul's reaction.
Byul standed silent , shocked and unable to answer.
Byul didn't want to ruin a 5 year friendship between them.
Although she knows he didn't mean to crush the fragile string of friendship between them , she was worried that he wouldn't be the Jin she knows and loves anymore.

That's it , that's the part I edited in extra .
If you are too lazy to read it , then maybe you'll get the update in the script .

My only goal is to let everyone reading the story know that it changed , that's all .

Thank u for reading , and tysmmm for all the reads ✨✨

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