The Accident (①④)

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Gwacheon Police Department ,Gyeonggi Province ,
South Korea.


Mr. Lee , Jin's uncle , and Mr. Kim's brother

Got out of prison with no one to greet him .

The rest of the family were on their way in the train , so was Jin .

But Mr. Lee , was greeted by someone else rather than family ..

An enemy .


"Mr. Lee , Your car is parked in police department garage" said the officer , handing him his phone and car keys .

"Welcome back to Gwacheon , Mr. Lee" greeted the officer.

His first greet was from an officer , not even his own family .

Sad .

Mr. Lee started his car , and slowly drove out the garage then stopped .

He had to put his phone in the car charger , so he can call his missed family .

On the other hand ..

"He stopped right where we want him ..

Amazing job"

The guy dressed in full black said to the other line , while sitting in his car , about a few meters behind Mr. Lee's car .

He grabbed a letter from the backseat , and threw it out the window ..

Then started the car .


Saturday night -


yelled wheein down the stairs , in lisa's apartment .

"Can't you see me looking for your so what called number book" , Lisa was searching everywhere in the guest bedroom for wheein's book.



Lisa in the speed of light , closed the closet she was looking in .

"That explains the weird pj's" said Lisa while going down the stairs .

"You forgot bozo , you let me sleep on your freaking couch"

"OMO I FORGOT" laughed Lisa , making wheein laugh too.

20 minutes later -


yelled Lisa , closing the drawer in the shoe cabinet.


both girls sat on the floor , flipping the pages ..

Until they reached the (k) file.

In big letters , the word ( KAI ) was written in full caps .

Under that ..

The sentence ( COUNTY SIDE NAPPER ) was written with two numbers .

"Call the internet one , we already know the other one is out of service" said Lisa , as whee grabbed her phone .

Whee typed in the 4 digited number on a small button phone ..

and they patiently waited for the other line to answer .

Whee and Lisa found out from their family , that Kai was not in his apartment , and that his neighbors , said he hadn't arrived his apartment in 3 days ;

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