Diary (①②)

163 10 2

[ 16/5/2014 ]

- dear diary .

today I've accomplished my plan , and I'm finally free .

I finally ran away from home , and I'm never going back.

It's cold out here , it's also really dark ,
But I don't regret it one bit .

I'm sick of my family .

I'm tired of getting blamed on breaking byul's arm when it's not even my fault .. partly .

But it doesn't make sense why all these problems were made from a tiny accident , it's not like someone died .

This year is very tragic for a mistake i wish I'd never done , me and byul have to take our exams next year because we missed them .

That disgusting college won't let us take the exam this year no matter what we tell them , like they don't care about anyone's health .

I never wanted this to happen , everything flashed before my eyes ..

All for a car accident .

I thought my family would comfort me , feel sorry for me and my exam issue , but instead they made it worse by blaming each other , therefore never communicating ever since .

But that's all gone .. cuz I'm never going back to them .

I'm old enough to live my life , and plan my future ..

alone .

Thank you for being with me , diary .
If u weren't here i would talk to myself and look like a crazy kid running away .


A/N :

this was actually a chapter that I wrote and forgot to publish

( no no i didn't edit this one hehe )

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