2014 (①①)

251 8 1


It's my 18th birthday today..

And I'm still not dead.

My dad told me that my birthday present is ...

A driver license test.

I really , really don't want to drive.


my dad is like ...

"You are the only young man in this family kai, you should learn how to drive"

"Byul got her driving license last year , and she's a 'girl' "

"I'm not going to be here you're whole life kai, you should be responsible"

"Not spend the whole day in your room"

"You are a big brother, Lisa is counting on you"

I don't want to be a big brother.

I don't want to have a cousin to get compared to.

I don't want to drive.

Even if I learn to drive..

I wouldn't dare go out.

I have alot of trouble staying in my room already.

And you're going to let me drive ?.

Thanks dad.

Anyways, I have to do what he says .

Cuz I can't reject a so what called birthday present.

Me , my dad, my mom, Lisa, and byul's mom went to get my driver's license.

And unfortunately...

I passed.

This was victory for my family and loss for me.

I didn't even do well, it's weird.

Thats not the problem tho..

My dad kept taking me to drive around the city..


it's just ...

Not fair.

after like .. three weeks,

My dad started taking byul with us in the car.

Then Lisa.

Then he started to let me drive with byul alone..

Then byul and Lisa alone..

Then me..


Then I started taking byul to her college instead of taking the bus..

Then I started taking both Lisa to her school..

At this point , I was a taxi driver in the family.

And I had no opinion in anything..

I hated it.

But no one even cared about me.


Something happened in my life..

That turned it upside down..

On that dreadful day..

9, march, 2014.

It was byul's college exam day..

Mine too.

Finally the last semester,

Then both of us will start working like adults .

She rode in the car with me..

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